Tag Archives: Toxicity

What does GERD teach us about digestion as a feedback mechanism? Great information from Marc David on the Functional Forum from Boulder.#f

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What does GERD teach us about digestion as a feedback mechanism? Great information from Marc David on the Functional Forum from Boulder.
#functionalforum #goevomed The Institute for the Psychology of Eating


#TheRedwoodClinic #JaySordean For more information about functional medicine at The Redwood Clinic, go to http://www.theredwoodclinic.com/best-functional-medicine-berkeley/

Time for Detoxification: Removing Toxicity to Start the New Year Clear

Eliminating Toxicity – Start the New Year Clear

Time for Detoxification: Start the New Year. January is an excellent time to” sound out” the old. Its no surprise that many individuals begin each year with the sensation of being used up and also tired out.

It could likewise trigger weight gain, and also excess fat makes a comfortable hiding area to shop Headache

Call today to arrange a consultation to find out exactly how a metabolic cleansing program could aid you really feel much better. Even your water could be a resource of toxic substances– filtering your water from the faucet prior to usage is really crucial.

Lots of various other techniques of finding poisoning in your body in addition to techniques to handling that poisoning are pointed out in this as well as various other posts on this website.

January is a fantastic time to” call out” the old. It could additionally trigger weight gain, as well as excess fat makes a comfortable hiding area to shop  Headache what your liver has problem cleansing out. A 10-day metabolic cleansing program is exactly how numerous individuals pick to begin the year off rightand aid them remain energised and also clear-headed all year long.

Even your water could be a resource of toxic substances– filtering your water from the faucet prior to usage is extremely essential.

Multipure Independent Distributor ID# 432075 The Redwood Clinic

Alzheimer’s blueberries antioxidants

Alzheimer’s blueberries antioxidants

Dr Jay’s mission is to prevent a million cases of Alzheimer’s. This is why he has written two books on the subject, given numerous community talks on the subject, has appeared as an expert on TV news on this subject, and has a webinar you can register for at www.theredwoodclinic.com/brain-consultation. This article is the latest that supports what he has been saying and teaching for the last decade. Register and participate in his webinar and Alzheimer's blueberries antioxidantsread this article. What do  Alzheimer’s blueberries antioxidants have in common. Read this article and see.

“A Ray of Hope Amid Grim Statistics for Alzheimer’s Disease”.

Alzheimer’s blueberries antioxidant. Few diagnoses incite as much fear and helplessness as one of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). And it’s easy to understand why. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, AD is the sixth-leading cause of death in the United States, and the fifth-leading cause of death for people over age 65. Moreover, it’s “the only disease among the top 10 causes of death in America that cannot be prevented, cured or even slowed.” (Although there is promising work that suggests otherwise.) While mortality from many other conditions—such as heart disease, AIDS, and certain forms of cancer—has decreased, mortality from this most dreaded form of neurodegeneration has increased. In fact, the BBC recently reported that dementia, including Alzheimer’s, has overtaken heart disease as the leading cause of death in England and Wales.

In 2015, more than 61,000 people died of dementia in England and Wales, accounting for 11.6% of all recorded deaths. Women are afflicted by AD more than men, and this is reflected in the statistics: of the 61,000 deaths from dementia, 41,283 were women (about 67%), compared to 20,403 men (33%). Dementia as a category, including Alzheimer’s, accounted for 15.2% of all female deaths, up from 13.4% in 2014. For men in England and Wales, however, heart disease remained the leading cause of death in 2015. (The most common cause of death overall was all types of cancer, taken as a group.)

The numbers are no less grim in the U.S. More than 5 million people are currently living with AD, with projections for this to reach a staggering 13.8 million people by 2050. Of the 5.4 million Americans with AD, an estimated 5.2 million people are age 65 or older, and about 200,000 are under age 65, having been diagnosed with “early onset” Alzheimer’s. And this doesn’t account for the potentially millions who are undiagnosed but may be living with the signs and symptoms of the condition. Right now, one in nine people age 65 or older has Alzheimer’s, and in the absence of a miracle medical breakthrough, by mid-century, someone in the U.S. will be diagnosed with AD every 33 seconds.



Safe Water Filtration

our website

Multipure Independent Distributor ID: 432075

Multipure Science & Technology

Multipure Drinking Water Systems provide cleaner, more delicious, more healthful water whenever you need it, right at your kitchen sink. Multipure’s exclusive Solid Carbon Block filter reduces a wide range of contaminants of health concern without removing the beneficial minerals in the water. This makes Multipure water ideal for everything from food preparation, to cooking, to drinking.  This is why we consider them safe water filtration systems.

Multipure’s innovative filter technology provides exceptional performance. The proof lies in the products’ certification by NSF International to reduce a wide range of contaminants that affect both the healthfulness and the aesthetics of water. Multipure Drinking Water Systems reduce MTBE, chlorination byproducts, PCBs, chloramine, VOCs, heavy metals, and numerous other contaminants. Multipure Drinking Water Systems consistently meet the high standards and needs of its customers all across the world.

Almost all Multipure Drinking Water Systems include the necessary installation materials, and Multipure filters are economical, long-lasting, and easily maintained. These safe water filtration systems –Multipure– provides a Lifetime Warranty on its system housings, as well as a one-year warranty on all accessories.

Multipure Drinking Water Systems offer superior quality, innovation, and performance, which means customers always get cleaner, tastier, and more healthful water. With a Multipure Drinking Water System, you always have the right drinking water at hand.

What Sets Multipure Apart

Although most companies that sell drinking water systems make devices that can remove chlorine from water, very few of those companies offer drinking water treatment systems that are NSF certified to reduce contaminants under both NSF/ANSI Standard No. 42 (Aesthetics) and NSF/ANSI Standard No. 53 (Health Effects). Multipure is one of the few companies whose products are NSF certified to reduce such a wide array of drinking water contaminants, including such classes as disinfection byproducts or gasoline additives – contaminants that can get into water sources through pollution or leaks.

Multipure is the industry leader because it is a pioneer in drinking water treatment, and it possesses the integrity and credibility due to intensive internal quality assurance confirmed by the rigorous scrutiny of NSF Certification.

Get your water system today for better health!

Multipure Independent Distributor ID: 432075

Fibromyalgia Diagnosis

Fibromyalgia Diagnosis

Fibromyalgia. A label for a myriad of symptoms, syndromes and conditions that have to be teased out to really find the underlying causes. I have been working with patients with Fibromyalgia Diagnosisdiagnoses of fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome, etc. etc. for more than 25 years. So how about fibromyalgia diagnosis done properly?

I am at my third seminar touching upon this in the last 6 months. To find out if there is anything else new on the subject, to keep me on the cutting edge of understanding fibromyalgia. Because very few doctors have even close to enough training in it. And the diagnoses are really wrong so often, even by the experts (one study showed 60% incorrect diagnosis).

Fibromyalgia Diagnosis and Mitochondria

One continuous thread in the fabric is the role of mitochondria and mitochrondrial dysregulation or sub-functioning. The mitochondria are the energy power-houses of our cells and body. Without enough energy you will feel achy and having pain in all parts of the body. I have numerous lectures on this subject on my youtube channel you can watch. None of these yet discuss mitochondria. Stay tuned for that aspect.

Fibromyalgia Diagnosis and Meningeal Compression

meningeal compressionOn the other hand, the role of meningeal compression and torqueing is something I have spoken on extensively. This also is a key factor and understanding underlying causes in each individual presenting with fibromyalgia.

Fibromyalgia Diagnosis and What else?

The list of involved “diagnoses” includes: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Myofascial Pain Syndrome, Organic depression/anxiety, Multiple bursitis/tendonitis sites, Connective tissue disorders, Stealth infections (Lyme and co-infections, viral), Endocrine (hormone) myopathies, dysglycemia (blood sugar problems), Anemia, Multiple sclerosis, occult malignancy, GI (gastrointestinal dysbiosis and Toxicity.

You can get more individualized assessment by calling The Redwood Clinic at 510-849-1176

Fibromyalgia diagnosis


Bioimpedence Analysis (BIA): What the heck?

Bioimpedence Analysis (BIA) – What is it anyway??

Bioimpedance Analysis is an accurate and quick test that gives us objective information we then use when designing & monitoring your individualized health programs (weight loss or weight gain, detoxification, immune challenges, etc).

How does it work? Bioimpedance analysis (BIA) is the assessment of body composition using electrical tissue conductivity. It simply involves placing two adhesive electrodes on the hand and wrist, and two on the ankle and foot. The computer then runs a very small current through the body for 10 seconds while the patient is lying down. It’s non-invasive and comfortable. Results are printed instantly.

Health and well-being are closely tied to the health of the body’s fat-free mass and body cell mass compartments. By focusing attention on these mass compartments, therapeutic strategies are more effective because results can be measured objectively.

Bioimpedance Analysis Machines

The Biomarkers 2000 device, a bioimpedance analyzer, provides a direct readout of the impedance of the human body, and estimates of fat mass, fat-free mass (lean body mass), body cell mass, extracellular mass, total body water, intracellular water and extracellular water.
Applications: • Acute/Chronic Disease • Geriatrics • Obesity/Weight Loss Program • Lifestyle Assessment • Eating Disorders • Athletic Performance

How accurate is the test compared to other tests of this type? The BIA test is extremely accurate when performed properly. The current ‘gold standard’ for body fat testing only is still the hydrostatic method (getting dunked under the water), with an error margin of around .5 to 1 ½ %, whereas the BIA error margin is around 1 to 2 ½ %. However, the BIA accurately measures crucial data – including intracellular water (a good health indicator), extracellular water (a good toxin indicator) and phase angle (good indicator of cell health and fatty acid balance) – which the hydrostatic method does not. Also, the BIA is more convenient…you don’t need to get wet!

SUMMARY and VALIDITY: We have performed hundreds of these tests and have found that the results have been reliable to base our programs for detoxification, improving function, losing weight safely with respect to body composition, and monitoring improvements in overall function in combination with our other methods.

Bioimpedance Analysis References

References Ott M, et al. Bioelectrical impedance analysis as a predictor of survival in patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection. Journal of Acquired Deficiency Syndromes and Human Retrovirology, 1995; 9:20-25. Guo SS, et al. Aging, body composition, and lifestyle: the Fels Longitudinal Study. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1999; 70:405-11. Position of the American Dietetic Association. Nutrition intervention in the treatment of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and eating disorders not otherwise specified (EDNOS). Journal of American Dietetic Association, 2001; 101:801-819. Blackburn GL. Managing obesity in America: An Overview. Advanced Studies in Medicine, 2002; 2(2):40-49. Lee CD, et al. US weight guidelines: Is it also important to consider cardiorespiratory fitness? Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders, 1998 Aug; 22 Supplement 2:52-7. Position of the American Dietetic Association, Dieticians of Canada, and the American College of Sports Medicine. Nutrition and athletic performance. Journal of American Dietetic Association, 2000; 100:1543-1556.