Tag Archives: thanksgiving tips

Thanksgiving Tips for Positivity – BANK CODE

Thanksgiving Tips for Positivity – BANK CODE

Thanksgiving Tips for Positivity. Why talk about this? Well, holidays can be a time of stress due to miscommunication, old resentments and bad memories, familial conflicts, and conversations about politics!!!! Use this “Positivity Game” format to cut through to the humanity that we all share.

How do we do this? Start with a little game to tell others that you notice and care about them. The “positivity game” is the basis for this activity you can do at your holiday gathering.  This game is explained in the linked video.  Do this game first. It is not difficult.  Practice it — the key is to honestly say something you like about the other person.  Then, if you are receiving that positive message, you SIMPLY say “Thank you.”  Only acknowledge their compliment by saying “Thank you.” (Don’t try to devalue what they say by explaining it away.  This will be difficult for some people to do.)

You start out with the traditional “positivity game.” Then do the BANK CODE positivity game — newly invented for this holiday season!

In this version, we play the positivity game and incorporating in the person’s BANK CODE.  So now, everyone figures out their BANK CODE online at www.Four-Cards.com (Click on the links to go to the BANK PASS website to play the cards). After sorting the cards online, you fill in your info and then press submit to get your personality analysis results.

Next, you all compare what your First and second codes are.thanksgiving tips B.A.N.K. Code Then, one by one, you read a couple of the things your read in your code that you like. The next person in line says, “Yes, you are ____”, saying one of the things you said. The next person then says the few things about themselves on their BANK CODE email that they agree with, and the person next to them says, “Yes, you are….” You do this around the group until everyone has had a chance to be acknowledged.


Thanksgiving tips for PositivityHolidays can be a time of stress due to miscommunication, old resentments and bad memories, familial conflicts, and conversations about politics!!!! Use this “Positivity Game” format to cut through to the humanity that we all share.