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PTSD and NRCT may have a strong connection. This is something I have been stating for years since I first became trained in NRCT.

PTSD stands for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. NRCT stands for Neurologic Relief Center Technique.

CTE - Chronic Traumatic EncephalopathyAn example of one of the causes of PTSD is participating in battles and war. Numerous soldiers return with PTSD and many of them take a long time to get a diagnosis because they are in denial or the military will not come up with the diagnosis of PTSD.

When I first learned of the concussion effects of explosions

Detoxification and Brain Care

Dr. Jay on Chicago TV

I immediately thought of the impact they would have on the meninges. The meninges surround the brain and the spinal cord and are the protective barrier surrounding them like a wet suit on a scuba diver. Explosion concussion waves effect the entire body — the meninges and the nervous system especially. However, all of the muscles and other organs are impacted as well. We are talking about an explosion that does not actually cause some bleeding or loss of limbs. Those, of course, are even more traumatic.

There is a discussion of PTSD and war this week on PBS.

WAR on the BRAIN a series on Public Broadcasting System. You can learn more about that series by going to this link.

I have discussed meningeal compression and NRCT extensively in my two books on the brain. These are also discussed on pages in this website.

Dr. Jay’s Winter Season talk at EBAR BNI: Stress Trauma Toxicity: Acupuncture/NRCT in Berkeley

NRCT – Neurologic Relief Center Technique

Post Concussion Syndrome / Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE)

NRCT-FAQs Neurologic Relief Center Technique Facts