Tag Archives: dementia

Save Your Life: Get Your Multipure System Here

Save Your Life: Get Your Multipure System Here

Save Your Life: Get Your Multipure System Here

San Francisco schools found to have lead in water.
Oakland schools found to have lead in water.
Lead kills brain cells.
Don’t take a chance with your BRAIN. Filter your water

Save Your BRAIN and the BRAINS of your Children and Loved Ones: Get Your Multipure System Here





Safe Water Filtration

Water is essential for life. Safe water is essential to promote health. Contaminated water can damage health in so many ways. Thus, it is important to make sure that the water you drink is not contaminated. Safe water filtration is the key. No matter where you live. And now more than ever.

I know, you are saying that you have a water filter. I applaud you for making that decision. But is your water filter actually filtering out everything it should, or is the filtering just cosmetic? Quite likely it is failing, because most do not pass muster with NSF standards. In fact, Multipure is the only one that passes for a combination of more than 8 problem ingredients put together. And your water might have all 8 (or more) at once.

Do you live in a place that ever has major national disasters? Hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes? A safe water source is vital for emergencies. We even have those at multipure (http://www.multipureusa.com/redwoodclinic)  Multipure Independent Distributor ID: 432075

Winter is the WATER ELEMENT season in Chinese Medicine. So let’s look more in-depth into how to get your water really clean to promote excellent health.

Safe Water Treatment

Susan B. Koemen Donation Version of System

As you know, The Redwood Clinic has promoted the sale and use of Multipure filtration systems for more than 25 years. Because we believe they are doing what all filtration systems should do, and they are backed up by independent laboratory testing of contamination removal.

If you are a quick decision maker, just go to our online store and order your system now.


Are you a Safe Water Filtration GEEK? Here are the DETAILS!!

Multipure Drinking Water Systems utilize Multipure’s innovative and proprietary Solid Carbon Block-based filter. This filter employs multiple components and materials to reduce the presence of a wide variety of contaminants in water.

Mechanical Filtration: The water passes through a pre-filter that traps dirt, sand, and particles that affect the taste and overall appearance of the water. After passing through the pre-filter, the water then passes through the Solid Carbon Block, where particles as small as 0.5 microns are physically trapped by the filter. Asbestos, cysts, and particulates are reduced through mechanical filtration at the sub-micron level.

Electrokinetic Adsorption: The pre-filter acquires a positive molecular charge as water passes through it. Since most contaminants exhibit a negative charge in water, the filter fibers electrokinetically attract these negatively-charged particles onto the positively-charged filter surface. Generally, these particles are too small to be trapped by mechanical filtration.

Physiochemical Adsorption: The carbon block filter is a blend of selected activated carbons and other media that reduce aesthetic contaminants and health-related contaminants by adsorbing particles to its surface. Because the carbon block is densely compacted, it provides a longer contact time with the water, and thus, better performance than many other filtration technologies.

Nationally recognized standards established for the drinking water treatment industry confirm that the most effective systems for the removal of both aesthetic and harmful contaminants are those that utilize Solid Carbon Block filters. Multipure is the original developer of Solid Carbon Block technology and has been the leader and innovator in the water treatment industry since 1970. Multipure, and its remarkable Solid Carbon Block filter, is synonymous with superior quality and exceptional innovation. With a Multipure Drinking Water System, you are guaranteed the best.

Multipure Independent Distributor ID: 432075

Adsorption vs. Absorption

Multipure filtration utilizes a process called adsorption. Adsorption differs from the more commonly known absorption; adsorption refers to the transfer of the particles of a gas, liquid, or dissolved solid onto a surface, while absorption refers to the incorporation of a solid, liquid or gas into another solid, liquid, or gas.

The Multipure filter uses adsorption to transfer contaminants onto the filter’s surface and remove it from the water stream. The water itself is temporarily absorbed by the filter material (much like a sponge absorbing water), but the contaminants are adsorbed to the filter surface, creating a layer on the surface as it is removed from the water stream.

Multipure Drinking Water Systems
The innovative Multipure design is certified, registered, and/or listed by:

•  NSF International
•  All states that regulate drinking water treatment devices
o  California Department of Health Services
o  Iowa Department of Public Health
o  State of Wisconsin – Bureau of Building Water Systems, Research & Products Review Unit


Maximize Your Brain Health and Avoid Dementia

Maximize Your Brain Health and Avoid Dementia

Brain Health is number one for health in general.  And brain health is vital for controlling and regulating all specifics of health.  After all, it is your brain that is reading this right now!

Part 1: https://youtu.be/CHrpvv6L7Zw
Part 2: https://youtu.be/vvSHKbj28fo
Part 3: https://youtu.be/rhVkGU8n_3M

Alzheimer’s and Dementia: Alma Via of San Rafael Benefit Talk for Alzheimer’s Association Part 1 – Part 3

Alma Via of San Rafael and Shirley McElhatten sponsored a benefit talk for the Alzheimer’s Association on Wednesday August 30, 2017. They invited Dr. Jay to speak about how to Maximize your BRAIN HEALTH based on his clinical experience, two bestselling books, and more than 20 appearances on local TV in his mission to prevent a million cases of Alzheimer’s and dementia. The lively and engaged attendees, as well as the amazingly beautiful and delicious buffet by the chef of Alma Via, made for a very successful event. You can still make donations to the Alzheimer’s Association through Alma Via of San Rafael – donator’s received a copy of one (or both) of Dr. Jay’s books on the brain and dementia. www.SuperBrain-TheBook.com and www.OutsmartingDementia.com Information about Alma Via of San Rafael is found at www.almaviaofsanrafael.org and by contacting Shirley at 415.491.1900 ext. 602.
Dr. Jay can be reached at www.TheRedwoodClinic.com/brain-consultation

Maximize Your Brain Health and Avoid Dementia

Maximize Your Brain Health and Avoid Dementia

Part 1: https://youtu.be/CHrpvv6L7Zw
Part 2: https://youtu.be/vvSHKbj28fo
Part 3: https://youtu.be/rhVkGU8n_3M

Maximize Your Brain Health and Avoid Dementia

How your brain works in this respect is discussed also in Dr. Jay’s books related to helping you save your brain. They can be obtained here:



Maximize Your Brain Health

Acupuncture Expert in Portland Oregon

To order either of the bestselling books by Dr. Jay Sordean, go to:

http://www.OutsmartingDementia.com   and   http://www.SuperBrain-TheBook.com

For information about brain evaluation and treatments, and Dr. Jay’s “B.R.A.I.N. H.E.A.L.T.H. Program” go to http://www.TheRedwoodClinic.com/brain-consultation

There are many resources Dr. Jay and The Redwood Clinic have to offer you for improving brain health and brain wealth.  These include the podcast interviews at www.NaturalSolutionsWithDrJay.com where many of the interviews are related to brain health, how to avoid ending up in memory care communities, and the cost of brain degeneration to individuals and communities alike.

Alzheimer’s blueberries antioxidants

Alzheimer’s blueberries antioxidants

Dr Jay’s mission is to prevent a million cases of Alzheimer’s. This is why he has written two books on the subject, given numerous community talks on the subject, has appeared as an expert on TV news on this subject, and has a webinar you can register for at www.theredwoodclinic.com/brain-consultation. This article is the latest that supports what he has been saying and teaching for the last decade. Register and participate in his webinar and Alzheimer's blueberries antioxidantsread this article. What do  Alzheimer’s blueberries antioxidants have in common. Read this article and see.

“A Ray of Hope Amid Grim Statistics for Alzheimer’s Disease”.

Alzheimer’s blueberries antioxidant. Few diagnoses incite as much fear and helplessness as one of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). And it’s easy to understand why. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, AD is the sixth-leading cause of death in the United States, and the fifth-leading cause of death for people over age 65. Moreover, it’s “the only disease among the top 10 causes of death in America that cannot be prevented, cured or even slowed.” (Although there is promising work that suggests otherwise.) While mortality from many other conditions—such as heart disease, AIDS, and certain forms of cancer—has decreased, mortality from this most dreaded form of neurodegeneration has increased. In fact, the BBC recently reported that dementia, including Alzheimer’s, has overtaken heart disease as the leading cause of death in England and Wales.

In 2015, more than 61,000 people died of dementia in England and Wales, accounting for 11.6% of all recorded deaths. Women are afflicted by AD more than men, and this is reflected in the statistics: of the 61,000 deaths from dementia, 41,283 were women (about 67%), compared to 20,403 men (33%). Dementia as a category, including Alzheimer’s, accounted for 15.2% of all female deaths, up from 13.4% in 2014. For men in England and Wales, however, heart disease remained the leading cause of death in 2015. (The most common cause of death overall was all types of cancer, taken as a group.)

The numbers are no less grim in the U.S. More than 5 million people are currently living with AD, with projections for this to reach a staggering 13.8 million people by 2050. Of the 5.4 million Americans with AD, an estimated 5.2 million people are age 65 or older, and about 200,000 are under age 65, having been diagnosed with “early onset” Alzheimer’s. And this doesn’t account for the potentially millions who are undiagnosed but may be living with the signs and symptoms of the condition. Right now, one in nine people age 65 or older has Alzheimer’s, and in the absence of a miracle medical breakthrough, by mid-century, someone in the U.S. will be diagnosed with AD every 33 seconds.



Safe Water Filtration

Safe Water Filtration

Water is essential for life. Safe water is essential to promote health. Contaminated water can damage health in so many ways. Thus, it is important to make sure that the water you drink is not contaminated. Safe water filtration is the key. No matter where you live. And now more than ever.

I know, you are saying that you have a water filter. I applaud you for making that decision. But is your water filter actually filtering out everything it should, or is the filtering just cosmetic? Quite likely it is failing, because most do not pass muster with NSF standards. In fact, Multipure is the only one that passes for a combination of more than 8 problem ingredients put together. And your water might have all 8 (or more) at once.

Do you live in a place that ever has major national disasters? Hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes? A safe water source is vital for emergencies. We even have those at multipure (http://www.multipureusa.com/redwoodclinic)  Multipure Independent Distributor ID: 432075

Winter is the WATER ELEMENT season in Chinese Medicine. So let’s look more in-depth into how to get your water really clean to promote excellent health.

Safe Water Treatment

Susan B. Koemen Donation Version of System

As you know, The Redwood Clinic has promoted the sale and use of Multipure filtration systems for more than 25 years. Because we believe they are doing what all filtration systems should do, and they are backed up by independent laboratory testing of contamination removal.

If you are a quick decision maker, just go to our online store and order your system now.


Are you a Safe Water Filtration GEEK? Here are the DETAILS!!

Multipure Drinking Water Systems utilize Multipure’s innovative and proprietary Solid Carbon Block-based filter. This filter employs multiple components and materials to reduce the presence of a wide variety of contaminants in water.

Mechanical Filtration: The water passes through a pre-filter that traps dirt, sand, and particles that affect the taste and overall appearance of the water. After passing through the pre-filter, the water then passes through the Solid Carbon Block, where particles as small as 0.5 microns are physically trapped by the filter. Asbestos, cysts, and particulates are reduced through mechanical filtration at the sub-micron level.

Electrokinetic Adsorption: The pre-filter acquires a positive molecular charge as water passes through it. Since most contaminants exhibit a negative charge in water, the filter fibers electrokinetically attract these negatively-charged particles onto the positively-charged filter surface. Generally, these particles are too small to be trapped by mechanical filtration.

Physiochemical Adsorption: The carbon block filter is a blend of selected activated carbons and other media that reduce aesthetic contaminants and health-related contaminants by adsorbing particles to its surface. Because the carbon block is densely compacted, it provides a longer contact time with the water, and thus, better performance than many other filtration technologies.

Nationally recognized standards established for the drinking water treatment industry confirm that the most effective systems for the removal of both aesthetic and harmful contaminants are those that utilize Solid Carbon Block filters. Multipure is the original developer of Solid Carbon Block technology and has been the leader and innovator in the water treatment industry since 1970. Multipure, and its remarkable Solid Carbon Block filter, is synonymous with superior quality and exceptional innovation. With a Multipure Drinking Water System, you are guaranteed the best.

Multipure Independent Distributor ID: 432075

Adsorption vs. Absorption

Multipure filtration utilizes a process called adsorption. Adsorption differs from the more commonly known absorption; adsorption refers to the transfer of the particles of a gas, liquid, or dissolved solid onto a surface, while absorption refers to the incorporation of a solid, liquid or gas into another solid, liquid, or gas.

The Multipure filter uses adsorption to transfer contaminants onto the filter’s surface and remove it from the water stream. The water itself is temporarily absorbed by the filter material (much like a sponge absorbing water), but the contaminants are adsorbed to the filter surface, creating a layer on the surface as it is removed from the water stream.

Multipure Drinking Water Systems
The innovative Multipure design is certified, registered, and/or listed by:

•  NSF International
•  All states that regulate drinking water treatment devices
o  California Department of Health Services
o  Iowa Department of Public Health
o  State of Wisconsin – Bureau of Building Water Systems, Research & Products Review Unit


Brain Healthy Supplements

Brain Healthy Supplements

The thoughtful use of supplements is an essential part of a healthy brain plan. The reason for this is explained in detail in my BRAIN HEALTH webinar Some supplements are so vital to brain health that I recommend them for everybody regardless of brain type. That include particular fatty acids such as DHA. I talk about these things also in my book, Super Brain: Maximize Your Brain Health for a Better Life.

As is well stated by Ron Grisanti, DC, one of my teachers at FMU, other supplements are best geared to specific brain types to help balance those brains. Taking the right supplements for your brain type can give you a jumpstart in your quest to be thinner, smarter, and happier. I have a program that individualizes these to meet your specific situation; details of what the BRAIN HEALTH program covers is discussed in my webinar.
Multivitamin: More than half of Americans do not eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day, the minimum required to get the nutrition you need. I recommend that everyone take a good multi-vitamin every day. A great one that contains great servings of phytonutrients is PhytoMulti by Metagenics. You can go here to learn more about the ingredients. You can also log on, open an account, and get discounts on high quality supplements researched for effectiveness.  Call the clinic at 510-849-1176 for additional information and to get an individualized appointment.

Fish oil: Having low levels of omega-3 fatty acids is one of the leading preventable causes of death and has been associated with heart disease, strokes, depression, suicidal behavior, ADD, dementia, and obesity. Fish oil has been found to be good for your heart, your skin, your eyes, your joints, your hair, and your brain. Taking omega-3s has been found to decrease your appetite and your cravings. My recommendation for most adults is to take between 1 to 2 grams of high-quality fish oil a day. One of the most absorbable types is a monoglyeride form, allowing you to take less and still get the same amount of absorption. Information and ordering can be done through The Redwood Clinic.

Vitamin D: Low levels of vitamin D have been associated with depression, Alzheimer’s disease, MS, heart disease, diabetes, cancer and obesity. When you don’t have enough vitamin D, you feel hungry all the time, no matter how much you eat.

Brain & Memory: Brain and Memory Power Boost includes the super-antioxidant N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC), along with phosphatidylserine to maintain the integrity of cell membranes and huperzine A and Acetyl-l-Carnitine (ALC) to enhance acetylcholine availability and vinpocetine and gingko biloba to enhance blood flow. This is a novel combination of powerful antioxidants and nutrients essential in enhancing and protecting brain health. This is the formula we use at the Amen Clinics in our NFL study.

Craving Control: This powerful new nutritional supplement is formulated to support healthy blood sugar and insulin levels while providing antioxidants and nutrients to the body. Our formulation includes N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC) and glutamine to reduce cravings, chromium and alpha-lipoic acid to support stable blood sugar levels, and a brain-healthy chocolate designed to boost endorphins. This is the formula we use at the Amen Clinics in our own weight-loss groups.

Sleep: To support healthy sleep, which is critical to brain health and craving control, I have developed a special supplement called Restful Sleep. It contains a combination of nutrients designed to support a calm mind and promote a deep, relaxed, restful night’s sleep. This supplement contains both an immediate-release and time-release dose of melatonin, the calming neurotransmitter GABA, a combination of the essential elements zinc and magnesium, and the herb valerian, which together may produce an overall sedative effect to help support sleep.

Compulsiveness: Serotonin Mood Support is Dr. Amen’s unique formula that contains saffron extract and 5-HTP. It helps to support normal serotonin levels by providing 5-HTP, a direct precursor to serotonin, along with a proprietary extract of saffron, shown clinically to support a normal mood. Vitamin B6 and inositol are included to provide additional synergistic support. Ingredients are provided at clinically tested levels to insure optimal benefit.

Focus and Energy: Formulated without caffeine that makes people jittery, Dr. Amen’s Focus & Energy Optimizer supports both focus and healthy energy levels. It is formulated with green tea and choline to help with focus, along with three powerful adaptogens, which act synergistically to enhance endurance and stamina. The adaptogens ashwaganda, rhodiola, and panax ginseng have been scientifically shown to improve the body’s resistance to stress and support a healthy immune system.

Anxiety: Dr. Amen’s GABA Calming Support contains a combination of inhibitory neurotransmitters vital to quieting an overactive mind. It contains clinically-tested and natural Pharma GABA (gamma-amino-butyric acid) shown to promote relaxation by increasing calming, focused brain waves, while also reducing other brain waves associated with worry. Complimenting this clinically tested and natural substance are vitamin B6, magnesium, and lemon balm, an herb traditionally known for its calming effects.

Stress: Dr. Amen’s newest formulation provides a unique blend of natural ingredients at clinically tested levels to help reduce stress, restore calm and support the body’s natural response to the rigors of everyday life.

Moods: S-Adenosyl-Methionine (SAMe) is involved in the production of several neurotransmitters (serotonin, dopamine, epinephrine) and helps the brain to function properly. The brain normally manufactures all the SAMe it needs from the amino acid methionine. When a person is depressed, the synthesis of SAMe from methionine is impaired, and SAMe has been shown to have antidepressant qualities. Dr. Amen’s NeuroSAMe supports positive moods, joints and cartilage, and a healthy liver.

For these and other brain and body healthy supplements, click here to visit our TheRedwoodClinic store.

CTE -Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy

CTE -Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy

CTE -Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy — is a disease of the brain. Of course, “Encephal” refers to the brain, “-opathy” means a disease.
In short, CTE -Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, is a damage to the brain that has occurred over a long period of time (chronic) due to multiple injuries to the head, skull, and rest of the body that the head is attached to. While there is a focus on the head and brain, it is often forgotten that the rest of the body (like the spinal cord, back, neck and shoulders) also are involved.

CTE -Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy and Alzheimer’s: A comparison

CTE - Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy

Note surgical scar on back of neck

A recent article from Scientific American has a nice review of CTE. It doesn’t talk about meningeal compression and torqueing, which is a flaw in the article. Nevertheless, it is a good article that I recommend you read if you want lots of details and comparisons to Alzheimer’s and dementia. In part, it
states, “The outward symptoms of CTE will sound familiar to anyone who has experience with Alzheimer’s disease: Memory problems, disorientation and difficulty concentrating are the earliest signs. As the condition progresses, people begin to show poor judgment, erratic behavior, significant memory loss and some degree of Parkinson’s disease (impaired speech, difficulty with motor skills, slow movement and a loss of balance). In its more advanced stages, tremors, full-blown Parkinsonism, a staggering gait, deafness and dementia mark CTE.”

Details about meningeal compression can be found in my two books; to order either of the bestselling books by Dr. Jay Sordean, go to:
http://www.OutsmartingDementia.com and http://www.SuperBrain-TheBook.com
Or go directly and by at Amazon: Super Brain: http://www.createspace.com/5585723 and http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00TFOP926 Outsmarting the Dementia Epidemic https://www.createspace.com/5585869 and http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00TFS5PBC


TAGS: NRCT, Neurologic Relief Center Technique, Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Memory Care, Memory Enhancement, Jay Sordean, Super Brain, Outsmarting the Dementia Epidemic, BRAIN HEALTH Program

#BRAINHEALTHTalk #Dementia #Alzheimers #NRCT #NRC #meningeal-compression #PeytonManning


BRAIN HEALTH TALKS in our community

BRAIN HEALTH TALKS in Lakeside Park and Berkeley Chinese Church

Dr. Jay’s BRAIN HEALTH talks have recently been well attended at Lakeside Park and Berkeley Chinese Church. The Berkeley Chinese Church talk was held Tuesday, March 1, 2016 in the morning. The title was “Maximize Your BRAIN HEALTH” and covered ways to enhance your brain health, why they work, and what you need to do to evaluate your current status and


Berkeley Chinese Church 1953

improve your brain health for a lifetime of clarity.

BRAIN HEALTH It is not simple — there are many parts to the puzzle, especially if your parent(s) and grandparent(s) died with dementia or Alzheimer’s. Genetics is a component but the environment has a large part in triggering the degenerative process. It is this “changeable” environment that we are addressing here.

BRAIN HEALTH Talk Resources

If you want to know what you missed by not attending the talks, please sign up for an encore webinar presentation here. Please share this link with family and friends as well — they need to know this as much as you do.

If you would like to hear INTERVIEWS that Dr. Jay Sordean did with other experts on brain health, please go to the podcast http://www.NaturalSolutionsWithDrJay.com and look up these podcast interviews. You will learn many significant and fascinating things.

Brain ConsultationDr. Jay’s two bestselling books are also great ways to learn about dementia, Alzheimer’s, and how to avoid them. To order either of the bestselling books by Dr. Jay Sordean, go to:
http://www.OutsmartingDementia.com and http://www.SuperBrain-TheBook.com
Or go directly and by at Amazon: Super Brain: http://www.createspace.com/5585723 and http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00TFOP926 Outsmarting the Dementia Epidemic https://www.createspace.com/5585869 and http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00TFS5PBC


TAGS: NRCT, Neurologic Relief Center Technique, Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Memory Care, Memory Enhancement, Marcia Peoples, Anne Sanabria, Jay Sordean, Super Brain, Outsmarting the Dementia Epidemic, BRAIN HEALTH Program, Lakeside Park

#LakesidePark #BRAINHEALTHTalk  #BerkeleyChineseChurch #Alzheimers

“In Defense of Food” – Michael Pollan

Michael Pollan “In defense of Food”

Michael Pollan (#MichaelPollan) has recently come out with a new documentary movie and a new book called “In defense of Food.” (#InDefenseofFood) The documentary movie will be coming out locally at 9:00 PM Wednesday, December 30 on KQED. A long review article was written by David Weigand In the San Francisco Chronicle Monday, December 28, 2015,  It is a review of the basic concepts inmichael pollan the book and an outline of the movie apparently.  As a big fan of Michael Pollan’s books, I enjoyed the article and the basic premise that Pollan “simply makes a case for eating right,” “eating food” — and not something that is manufactured.

The article has a brief overview of the different trends and
official recommendations since the fifties regarding proper nutrition. These recommendations are related to the mass production of consumables by the food manufacturing industry. There is a review of no- and low-fat diets, the injection of vitamins into manufactured foods, the creation of trans fatty acids, and the massive amounts of sugar and salt in processed foods.
The bottom line suggestions in the article are “eat only foods that will eventually rot. Avoid foods advertised on television. Eat food that has been cooked by humans. If it’s made from a plant, eat it; if it was made in a plant, don’t….There is no single food whose consumption or avoidance will answer our dietary prayers.”

To the degree that this article or Michael Pollan’s book goes, these are certainly good ideas and advice. But they don’t go far enough. It is naïve to say that that simply eating foods will correct the imbalances that our bodies currently have. The proliferation of toxins in the environment —

Pouring Mercury

Pouring Mercury

and consequently in our bodies, cannot be addressed simply by eating “food.” To address health issues it is necessary that each person have a carefully performed, individualized evaluation of functional capacities. Then there must be creation of a targeted remediation program that includes: detoxification, repair, and then replacement to address the years of exposure to processed foods and environmental chemicals.

chemical toxins in environmentThe nutritional deficits that lead to damaged tissue structures, like in the intestine, must be corrected along with other deficits, and just eating food, even if it is all strictly organic, is not enough for most people. The damage is too extensive to fix without intensive action.
This is where the experience of clinicians such as Dr. Jay Sordean come into the picture. Looking at the big picture as well as the details, taking into account traumas, toxicity, stress and structural issues – all of which play a role in the breakdown and positive repair of the body, mind, emotions and spirit.  This functional diagnostic medicine approach is lacking in your hospitals and most clinics.  Its absence is a reason why chronic illness and epidemics (diabetes, ADHD, autism, dementia, obesity, to name a few major ones) are prevalent in America today.  Dr. Jay’s series on issues such as functional causes of obesity and on female hormone imbalances are worth watching to understand why “just food” isn’t enough.  Time to call for an appointment 510-849-1176