Tag Archives: chronic pain

Fibromyalgia Diagnosis

Fibromyalgia Diagnosis

Fibromyalgia. A label for a myriad of symptoms, syndromes and conditions that have to be teased out to really find the underlying causes. I have been working with patients with Fibromyalgia Diagnosisdiagnoses of fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome, etc. etc. for more than 25 years. So how about fibromyalgia diagnosis done properly?

I am at my third seminar touching upon this in the last 6 months. To find out if there is anything else new on the subject, to keep me on the cutting edge of understanding fibromyalgia. Because very few doctors have even close to enough training in it. And the diagnoses are really wrong so often, even by the experts (one study showed 60% incorrect diagnosis).

Fibromyalgia Diagnosis and Mitochondria

One continuous thread in the fabric is the role of mitochondria and mitochrondrial dysregulation or sub-functioning. The mitochondria are the energy power-houses of our cells and body. Without enough energy you will feel achy and having pain in all parts of the body. I have numerous lectures on this subject on my youtube channel you can watch. None of these yet discuss mitochondria. Stay tuned for that aspect.

Fibromyalgia Diagnosis and Meningeal Compression

meningeal compressionOn the other hand, the role of meningeal compression and torqueing is something I have spoken on extensively. This also is a key factor and understanding underlying causes in each individual presenting with fibromyalgia.

Fibromyalgia Diagnosis and What else?

The list of involved “diagnoses” includes: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Myofascial Pain Syndrome, Organic depression/anxiety, Multiple bursitis/tendonitis sites, Connective tissue disorders, Stealth infections (Lyme and co-infections, viral), Endocrine (hormone) myopathies, dysglycemia (blood sugar problems), Anemia, Multiple sclerosis, occult malignancy, GI (gastrointestinal dysbiosis and Toxicity.

You can get more individualized assessment by calling The Redwood Clinic at 510-849-1176

Fibromyalgia diagnosis