NRCT-FAQs Neurologic Relief Center Technique Facts

Do You Suffer with Chronic Pain, Brain Fog, Chronic Fatigue, or Fibromyalgia? Get the Neurologic Relief Center Technique (NRCT) NRCT-FAQs Videos from Dr. Jay Sordean and the NRCT Center – Berkeley by entering your name and email in the following form.

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The Neurologic Relief Center Technique(tm) addresses many symptoms that are common to a number of conditions or diagnoses.  Dr. Jay was first trained in NRCT in 2009 and has successfully used this to help scores of patients, either with NRCT alone or in combination with other modalities. The NRC technique is a sophisticated approach to unresolved symptom and condition complexes that other physicians, acupuncturists, naturopaths, and chiropractors have not been able to understand or treat effectively.  Using the knowledge associated with this approach, Dr. Jay has provided a new level of help to patients who recognize the value in the results produced. Please listen to the voices of those he has helped directly. Fibromyalgia NRCT and RSD (Regional Sympathetic DystrophyBlood Pressure and Anxiety Upper Extremity and Neck Pain Hip Pain Low Back Pain Knee, Back and Hip Pain Back and Leg Pain Sequelae of Cancer Explanation of Meningeal Compression Part 1 Explanation of Meningeal Compression Part 2

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NRCT-FAQs Neurologic Relief Center Technique Facts