Leadership East Bay, Class of 2013-2014 had their “Health and Human Services” Day on February 14, 2014. Dr. Jay Sordean, LAc, OMD, QME did a presentation on “Alternative Medicine’s Contributions to the Health Care of the Community” to the group. In part 1, Jay Sordean is introduced, he commended the class members on their heart-centered attitudes they have in their work and personal life, linking this to the theme of Valentine’s day. He begins his talk about alternative medicine. Other speakers included those from Center for Independent Living, BOSS, Better Health East Bay Foundation, etc. http://www.TheRedwoodClinic.com 510-849-1176 http://www.leadershipeastbay.com http:///www.berkeleyacupuncture.com Dr. Jay Sordean, The Redwood Clinic, Berkeley Acupuncture and Natural Medicine