How are dopamine, addictions, and branding related? Addictions are habitual behavioral patterns that are triggered by external and internal stimulants. The stimulants can be chemicals, drugs, foods, behaviors, memory patterns, etc.
In general, we humans and mammals seek out pleasure and try to avoid pain. The pleasure centers of our brain are very powerful motivators of our behavior. We have high level control centers and deeper, survival level control centers. The high level ones have to be developed to be able to overcome the lower (survival) ones or our metabolism can be hijacked due to addictions. Dopamine is a powerful “reward” neurotransmitter that makes us feel great, satisfied, comforted.
Many substances and behaviors trigger release of dopamine. Addictive drugs like cocaine and heroine release it; sugar releases it; acupuncture releases it.
This is common knowledge that can be used to help prevent diabetes or can also be used to promote consumer behavior that can lead to diabetes and other conditions that can lead to dementia, brain degeneration, Alzheimer’s, etc. This post on FAST FOOD is scientifically accurate and a great read. #Alheimers #dopamine #superbrain #addiction…/7-reasons-we-cant-turn-dow…