Category Archives: NRCT

Are there Different “Types” of Alzheimer’s? We asked Dr. Dale Bredesen on the Functional Forum.#functionalforum #goevomed Dr. Dale Bred

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Are there Different “Types” of Alzheimer’s? We asked Dr. Dale Bredesen on the Functional Forum.
#functionalforum #goevomed Dr. Dale Bredesen

#TheRedwoodClinic #JaySordean For more information about functional medicine at The Redwood Clinic, go to

Opioid Addiction

Opioid addiction

Opioid addiction is at all time highs in the US. Television, radio, magazines, newspapers, blogs, and politicians are all ranting about the opioid addiction problem in this country. The basis of this addiction is typically a pain condition that was initially treated with opioids like oxycodone – supposed to be a short term therapeutic regimen – but that turned into long term dependence.

Alternatives exist – such as acupuncture to increase endorphins in the brain, and NRCT (Neurologic relief center technique) that may be helpful to reduce the nerve irritations that can cause pain syndromes not addressed in other ways. Mindfulness, hypnotherapy, guided imagery and a variety of natural supplements can also be effective interventions to replace the addictive opioids or to reduce the dependence over time.


By far, the opioid crisis is one of the worst epidemics to hit the United States.

More than 2.4 million Americans have reportedly abused opioid medications, many of which are formulated to match pain-reducing properties of opium, including legal painkillers like morphine, oxycodone, and hydrocodone.

Others have turned to heroin and fentanyl.

Making it worse, according to U.S. governors, as noted by NBC Chicago:

“The federal government needs to do more to block illicit versions of synthetic drugs such as fentanyl from being shipped into the U.S. Last year, the Department of Justice issued indictments of two Chinese companies accused of sending fentanyl illegally into the U.S., one of several anti-opioid moves by the federal government.”

It’s gotten so bad that since 1999, the number of accidental deaths involving opioids has quadrupled. In fact, it’s been reported that 91 Americans die every day from it.

In 2015, 52,000 Americans died from opioid abuse.

According to The U.S. Council of Economic Advisers (CEA):“CEA estimates that in 2015, the economic cost of the opioid crisis was $504.0 billion, or 2.8 percent of GDP that year. This is over six times larger than the most recently estimated economic cost of the epidemic.”In 2016, that number exploded to 63,600. In 2017, early data has it up to 66,000.

It’s why President Donald Trump declared the opioid crisis a “public health emergency.”

“We have to be careful because there’s a drug epidemic the likes of which we’ve never seen in this country,” he added. “I will be pushing the concept of non addictive painkillers very, very hard. We’re going to be spending lots of money on coming up with a non-addictive solutions.”


Alternatives exist – such as acupuncture to increase endorphins in the brain, and NRCT (Neurologic relief center technique) that may be helpful to reduce the nerve irritations that can cause pain syndromes not addressed in other ways. Mindfulness, hypnotherapy, guided imagery and a variety of natural supplements can also be effective interventions to replace the addictive opioids or to reduce the dependence over time.

The functional medicine approach is also very important to get your body’s systems back into balance.

Opioids severely alter the digestive and elimination systems. They are the basis for getting nutrition in your system and the foundation of a healthy immune system. When those are malfunctioning, the brain also is effected directly, and then the natural opiates produced by the brain and elsewhere, the endorphins and enkephalins are thrown out of balance. As are the feel-good biochemicals of serotonin and dopamine.

To break the addiction cycle the body’s natural feel good and pain reducing chemicals must be activated. Functional medicine is the most effective approach for this as it reduces dependence on pharmaceutical agents that cause numerous side effects.

Call us today at The Redwood Clinic +1-510-849-1176 to set up your functional medicine consultation. Delay only makes the addiction worse.

Maximize Your Brain Health and Avoid Dementia

Maximize Your Brain Health and Avoid Dementia

Brain Health is number one for health in general.  And brain health is vital for controlling and regulating all specifics of health.  After all, it is your brain that is reading this right now!

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

Alzheimer’s and Dementia: Alma Via of San Rafael Benefit Talk for Alzheimer’s Association Part 1 – Part 3

Alma Via of San Rafael and Shirley McElhatten sponsored a benefit talk for the Alzheimer’s Association on Wednesday August 30, 2017. They invited Dr. Jay to speak about how to Maximize your BRAIN HEALTH based on his clinical experience, two bestselling books, and more than 20 appearances on local TV in his mission to prevent a million cases of Alzheimer’s and dementia. The lively and engaged attendees, as well as the amazingly beautiful and delicious buffet by the chef of Alma Via, made for a very successful event. You can still make donations to the Alzheimer’s Association through Alma Via of San Rafael – donator’s received a copy of one (or both) of Dr. Jay’s books on the brain and dementia. and Information about Alma Via of San Rafael is found at and by contacting Shirley at 415.491.1900 ext. 602.
Dr. Jay can be reached at

Maximize Your Brain Health and Avoid Dementia

Maximize Your Brain Health and Avoid Dementia

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

Maximize Your Brain Health and Avoid Dementia

How your brain works in this respect is discussed also in Dr. Jay’s books related to helping you save your brain. They can be obtained here:

Maximize Your Brain Health

Acupuncture Expert in Portland Oregon

To order either of the bestselling books by Dr. Jay Sordean, go to:   and

For information about brain evaluation and treatments, and Dr. Jay’s “B.R.A.I.N. H.E.A.L.T.H. Program” go to

There are many resources Dr. Jay and The Redwood Clinic have to offer you for improving brain health and brain wealth.  These include the podcast interviews at where many of the interviews are related to brain health, how to avoid ending up in memory care communities, and the cost of brain degeneration to individuals and communities alike.



PTSD and NRCT may have a strong connection. This is something I have been stating for years since I first became trained in NRCT.

PTSD stands for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. NRCT stands for Neurologic Relief Center Technique.

CTE - Chronic Traumatic EncephalopathyAn example of one of the causes of PTSD is participating in battles and war. Numerous soldiers return with PTSD and many of them take a long time to get a diagnosis because they are in denial or the military will not come up with the diagnosis of PTSD.

When I first learned of the concussion effects of explosions

Detoxification and Brain Care

Dr. Jay on Chicago TV

I immediately thought of the impact they would have on the meninges. The meninges surround the brain and the spinal cord and are the protective barrier surrounding them like a wet suit on a scuba diver. Explosion concussion waves effect the entire body — the meninges and the nervous system especially. However, all of the muscles and other organs are impacted as well. We are talking about an explosion that does not actually cause some bleeding or loss of limbs. Those, of course, are even more traumatic.

There is a discussion of PTSD and war this week on PBS.

WAR on the BRAIN a series on Public Broadcasting System. You can learn more about that series by going to this link.

I have discussed meningeal compression and NRCT extensively in my two books on the brain. These are also discussed on pages in this website.

Upper Extremity Pain and Numbness: NRCT Treatment at Berkeley Acupuncture, Jay Sordean

Dr. Jay’s Winter Season talk at EBAR BNI: Stress Trauma Toxicity: Acupuncture/NRCT in Berkeley

NRCT – Neurologic Relief Center Technique

Post Concussion Syndrome / Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE)

NRCT-FAQs Neurologic Relief Center Technique Facts