Category Archives: HIV

Acupuncture Benefits Insurance Coverage

Acupuncture Benefits Insurance Coverage

[Editor’s Note: While Positivity is the Usual Tone for this blog, this article is addressing a more serious trend and so is not upbeat]

Typical Medical Insurance Policy restrictions regarding Acupuncture Benefit and Reimbursement

You are all excited that you found out your insurance plan has acupuncture coverage. You think, “wow, it says I am entitled to 12 visits a year. Or 20 visits a year.” And you are thinking “I am entitled to getting each and every one of them and it is the doctor’s duty to do that for me.”
You are also perhaps feeling that the providers on the list are super happy that they get to work with you because you have insurance.

Well, providers are usually happy to be able to help you with their skills and art. That is for sure.
But in many cases, for the provider, the insurance part of it is not the warm and fuzzy feeling you have.

Why would that be? Please continue reading to the end to better understand why.

When you are not paying their usual and customary fees, in other words, if you are not paying full cash rate out of pocket, there are some things you should seriously consider to make the professional relationship work.

Acupuncture Benefits Insurance CoverageThe elephant in the room, your insurance plan, will always have either a good or bad effect. So it is incumbent upon you to understand the system that is the intermediary in this business transaction.

Think about it. You go in to buy groceries. You pick up what you want. You go to the cashier. You pay out of pocket and you get the groceries. Did the store have to bill a third party to get paid?

Or you go to a financial planner for advice. You go in, you pay in cash, check, credit card, etc., you sit down and talk. You get the advice. You pay then and the financial planner gets paid then. No insurance involved as a middle man.

Let’s say you work at a coffee place. You are a barista. You get paid hourly or as a salary. People come in, order, pay (maybe sometimes with a discount card or coupon), you make what they want, they leave with what they bought. No insurance involved in the middle of that transaction. And you don’t have to bill some intermediary, like and insurance company, to get your pay check.

But that isn’t the way it is for the solo or group medical professional who has agreed to help patients by accepting their medical insurance. It is a totally different situation. You should understand it, especially if you want a good relationship with your provider and if you are thinking of going into that profession as well.

<h2>Acupuncture Benefits Insurance Coverage Basics</h2>

You have a contract (medical insurance) that says the insurance company will pay for some of your treatments in particular situations. This is called a “benefit.” “Benefits” are always limited in scope.

Eligibility means that you can access your plan because you (or someone else) paid your policy premium, so the medical insurance contract is in effect.

You have asked your possible provider to accept insurance payments. Typically that means that you want the provider to be satisfied with the amount that you pay with your copay and the part that the insurance company pays in addition.

So the provider (or paid staff) has to spend time and money to find out two things first. Your eligibility. And if you are eligible, do you have the (examination, evaluation, treatment) benefit?

Now, even if you are eligible and have, say, acupuncture, benefits, that doesn’t mean that your condition is one that the insurance plan agrees can be helped or treated with acupuncture.
This is an area of confusion for most patients.

Once again, just because you have the benefit it doesn’t guarantee that the provider will be paid. It doesn’t mean that the benefit applies to your condition. ALL INSURANCE PLANS specify what types of conditions they think might be impacted by acupuncture, herbs, shiatsu, massage, cupping etc.

MOST plans restrict “relevancy” to certain musculoskeletal problems, chroinic pain, nausea with pregnancy, and perhaps a few other diagnostic categories.

When the provider treats you, he has to provide diagnostic codes on the bill. He has to provide procedure codes. These two together relate to whether the benefit will be paid or not. If the insurance plan decides that they don’t want to pay for a particular benefit because they don’t like that diagnostic code, the provider will not be paid by the insurance company.

And don’t ask the provider to lie about the diagnosis just so you don’t have to pay.  That is jeopardizing the provider’s license.

The provider if under contract, might then be able to send you the bill because they can bill you for anything the insurance plan won’t pay for. Other times, the insurance plan will tell the provider “tough luck. We won’t pay you and you can’t bill the patient.”

How fair is that? Not fair at all, I would propose.

Especially, when the time and cost of dealing with insurance plans is so severe for providers.
1. They have to spend time verifying eligibility and benefits. That could take as much as 1 hour or more. And then there still is no guarantee that the information will be correct.
2. They have to spend time making appointments, corresponding with the patients, actually examining and treating the patients, collecting co-payments, and then billing the insurance company for the balance.
3. Automation hasn’t really made much of a difference in this time issue, especially when the insurance company denies payment.
4. Knowing how to deal with the insurance system itself is a MAJOR expenditure of time and money. The insurance companies don’t ever pay providers for this time required to learn the system and keep up on all of the alerts and newsletters related to changes in the system and contracts.
5. On top of it all, insurance companies, with a few exceptions, have slashed reimbursement rates to participating providers. In most cases it is a 50 -90% reduction in their fee schedule.
6. And then there is the paperwork requirements imposed. Of course, again, no compensation for any of that given to the provider.

How are Acuncturists Paid:   Independent providers aren’t given a salary. They aren’t provided an hourly wage. They have overhead and business expenses that they have to pay before they can take payment for their own expertise and work out of the small amount of money the insurance company gives them for their professional expertise.

 It is likely that your insurance doesn’t even cover the cost of overhead if your doctor bills the insurance company directly.  Some insurances do, most don’t.

Please keep this in mind when you call and ask a provider to make an appointment with you when you have a PPO plan. If the tables were turned, is it you who is doing the favor or the provider doing you the favor?

Granted, there are a few insurance plans that are not stealing from the providers. But there are many more plans that claim that they pay for the treatment, but don’t.  In fact, often the patient pays way more in a copay than the insurance company itself pays.

And YOUR plan might be one of those.  Hopefully, not.  But if it is, extra consideration for your provider might just be just what the doctor ordered.

Mitochondrial Disease

Mitochondrial Disease and Dysfunction

What is so crucial about mitochondrial disease and dysfunction? Well, you may remember that the mitochondria are organelles in your cells. They make the energy packets that store and release electrical power so you can make proteins, hormones, move, talk, breathe, circulate blood, and think. Mitochondria have a counterpart in the plant world. The chloroplast. The organelle in plant cells that take carbon dioxide and water, capture energy from the sun, and pack that energy in sugar molecules. Those sugar molecules are one of the three types of food that the mitochondria then burn to create heat and energy packets.

Of course, this reminds us of how important the plant world is for our survival. The picture below by Cody Serfass shchloroplast and mitochondriaows this interrelationship beautifully.


posted Dec 22, 2014, 8:30 AM by Cody Serfass

But, as much as we need the mitochondria to work right, it can either start to not work right or be so damaged as to not work at all. It is kind of like an internal combustion engine. There has to be fuel, the burning of the fuel has to be controlled, and the energy has to be converted into a useful form. So, just like taking your car to the mechanic to figure out why the horsepower dropped, you need an expert on mitochondrial function to figure out what might be going on if you are starting to lack power. Call The Redwood Clinic for help with this.

Mitochondrial Disease and Dysfunction Diagnosis

3-10-08-uae-fog-medium-2Definitive diagnosis of mitochondrial disease and dysfunction requires a knowledge of many steps in the process. Figuring out where in the process things aren’t working may require doing organic chemical analysis.  It tells us if the steps in the process of energy production are happening as they are supposed to. Sort of like seeing if the engine is burning cleanly or producing extra pollution.

Mitochondrial Disease and Dysfunction and Aging

Aging is related to inflammation. Inflammation damages tissues, nerves, blood sugar balance, brain tissues, and other tissues and organs. Inflammation can damage mitochondria and degeneration of mitochondria effects all parts of the body.

The prolongation of mitochondrial health seems also associated with life span. Why is that? Caloric reduction is a major factor related to longevity. When you reduce calories and fast on occassion, your damaged mitochondria will be broken down so only healthy ones remain behind. Having only well functioning mitochondria is like having a race event with only the best running cars working. The broken down cars then don’t create wrecks and roadblocks on the race course.

Mitochondrial Disease and Dysfunction and Your Heart

The failing heart is a muscle running out of fuel, and the fuel of the heart comes from mitochondrial activity. Without adequate intake of nutrients you will have mitochondrial deterioration, according the Bruce Ames. With the high prevalence of death from heart attacks in this country it is wise to have your mitochondria checked at The Redwood Clinic to see if they might be a source of potential early mortality.

Mitochondrial Disease and Dysfunction and Bipolar Depression

Build up of acids from the energy cycle, when it is not working right, leads to higher acidity, and that is related to bipolar depression.

Mitochondrial Disease and Dysfunction and Obesity

Stomach, Small Intestine, and Large Intestine

Stomach, Small Intestine, and Large Intestine

African Americans may have an especially susceptible mitochondria that have less ability to produce heat and thus have higher levels of diabetes and prostate cancer.

Also having too much “white fat” (devoid of mitochondria) puts you more at risk for obesity and cardiovascular disease than having enough brown fat which contains lots of mitochondria that can convert the fat into energy.

Mitochondrial Disease, Dysfunction, and what to do about it

In addition to getting your mitochondrial function checked out, there are many things you can do to help support your mitochondria. Periodic exposure to cold helps your metabolism and the functioning of your energy production system — the mitochondria. While it is not for me, you could really shock your system (and stimulate your mitochondria) by joining a “polar bear club.” Taking a cold shower in the morning can also help.

Exercise helps optimize thyroid function, and thyroid hormones enhance metabolism and speed mitochondrial activity to create more energy and resultant heat.

Mitochondrial Disease and Atrazine

Atrazine is a widely used weed killer predominantly for corn. Atrazine is a mitochondrial damager — avoiding foods with atrazine is a great idea. That may mean that you have to avoid packaged manufactured “foodstuffs” if made from non-organic corn. Other studies show that Atrazine use tends to correlate with the incidence of obesity.  And again, most manufactured foods are made with some kind of corn.

Herbicides work on chloroplasts and chloroplasts are like mitochondria.  When you poison the mitochondria you can’t burn fat anymore.  And fats, carbohydrates and proteins are what we burn for fuel.

Chronic use of alcohol can damage mitochondrial DNA through oxidative stress.  Then if the liver isn’t working, you can’t clear toxins and then you age quickly.

Certain combination and single drugs can damage your mitochondria. Go to to see which drugs are not good for your mitochondria. Drugs that damage your mitochondria include statins, antibiotics, and beta-blockers. The bacteriocidal antibiotics, quinolones, aminoglycosieds and beta lactams, are the most damaging to mitochondria. Certain things might help to support your body when taking those drugs, such as the right probiotics and NAC. Also, if possible, use the bacteriostatic antibiotics versus the bacteriocidal antibiotics.

Methyl mercury has a damaging effects on mitochondria in the brain especially. An underlying mitochondrial disorder may be a reason why vaccine-induced autism is real, as mentioned in US Federal Court.

A damage to your body due to your doctors prescriptions is called inatrogenica imperfecta by Dr. LePine. Medicine-induced disease due to bad drug combinations is quite prevalent.

Panic attacks can come from a high pH in the brain. Eg. you panic when your CO2 level increases from, for example, holding your breath a long time underwater. Due to pH drop. (Meaning that you are becoming more acidic — remember the pH scale is small numbers acid, 8 is neutral, and larger numbers are basic). Aerobic exercise may help you deal with it build up of lactic acid which is the product of the energy production without oxygen.

Mitochondrial Disease and Charles Darwin

Darwin’s illness throughout life may have been due to mitochondrial problem and a mitochondrial DNA -related problem.

In this case, arginine and citrulline may have positive benefits.

Mitochondrial Disease and Autism

Autism or other types of delayed developmental conditions may be helped by understanding the mitochondrial gene sequence as well.

Understaning the need to get oxygen into the brain and then into the mitochondria is discussed in Dr. Jay’s bestselling book, Super Brain: Maximize Your Brain Health for a Better Life. Order online at this link.

Medical research increasingly recognizes mitochondrial dysfunction as a major factor in the pathology of numerous human diseases, including diabetes, cancer, neurodegenerative diseases and ischemia reperfusion injury. So consider getting you “powerhouse” checked out at The Redwood Clinic before you “check out” for good. 510-849-1176


Sodium – Hair Mineral Analysis Element

Sodium – Hair Mineral Analysis Element and Body Functioning

Sodium is an important element and mineral test in the hair mineral analysis testing.  Sodium plays a significant role in your body and cells, often paired up with Potassium.  If you have high blood pressure your doctor will tell you to cut down on your Sodium. Doctors also look at the amount of Sodium in your blood during the comprehensive blood testing.  This hair deposition of Sodium gives additional and significant information about your body that the blood Sodium levels do not.

Diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, cardiovascular illness, obesity, cognitive decline — are just a few of the many conditions, malfunctions, or diseases that do not develop symptoms often until they are progressed quite a long time and Sodium may play a key role.  Functioning has to drop to around 40% for symptoms to be obvious — up until a drop of function by 60% we know about dysfunction by things other than symptoms.   Hair Mineral Analysis focuses on particular minerals –macro, micro, trace and heavy metals found stored in your hair.  Understanding the relationships among the different minerals found can tell us a lot about how your body is functioning.  Not only your body, but your emotions and hormones.

After watching this, if you want to get a hair mineral analysis with explanation please contact The Redwood Clinic at +1-510-849-1176.

Hair mineral Analysis You tube videos



Naturally Fortify Your Body

Acupuncture2One condition that has come to the forefront in the last few decades is HIV. Being HIV positive means focusing on your health in a whole new way. Caring for your body’s needs and your emotional well being is more important than ever, and is the key to living well with this disease.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Acupuncture can be powerful allies in keeping your body as healthy as possible and slowing the progression of the disease.

What is HIV?

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), is the virus that leads to Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). This virus works by attacking a part of the immune system known as CD4 cells, or T-cells. These are the white blood cells that are designed to fight off disease, so if a person’s CD4 count declines, this indicates that the immune system has become compromised and therefore renders you susceptible to illness and disease. AIDS, the final stage of HIV, occurs when the body’s immune system becomes so weak and imbalanced that it can no longer fight off illness.

The progression of HIV can take from months to many years, so it’s important to seek treatment as soon as you are diagnosed. Your medical doctor will work with you to determine the best strategy to slow the progression and relieve your symptoms. This will generally include the use of antiretroviral drugs in various combinations designed to lower the amount of virus in your blood. These are very powerful medications, and they may lead to a wide range of side effects, including:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea and other gastrointestinal problems
  • Dizziness
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Insomnia
  • Nausea
  • Shortness of breath

These side effects can have a major impact on the quality of life, especially when combined with some of the more common symptoms of the virus itself, such as:

  • Cough
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle pain
  • Night sweats
  • Peripheral neuropathy
  • Swollen lymph nodes

Acupuncture can be used as an effective adjunct therapy to help support you and your immune system while receiving traditional Western medicine treatment.

Fortifying the Body Naturally

It makes sense that acupuncture and TCM are one of the most commonly used complementary therapies for HIV. Practiced for thousands of years, TCM is a complete medical system known to be especially effective in supporting the immune system, strengthening the body, as well as calming the mind and spirit.

TCM tells us that Qi (pronounced “chee”) is the vital energy that animates the body and protects it from illness. When a powerful external invader such as HIV attacks the body, it causes a severe disharmony and imbalance of Qi. Incorporating acupuncture and TCM into your healing process, can serve to address various signs and symptoms associated with the virus and the side-effects of HIV “cocktail” medications.

Your practitioner will work to restore the natural harmony and strengthen your body. Acupuncture and TCM offer a holistic, or whole-body, approach to care. This means that your mind, body, and spirit will all be taken into account, not just your symptoms. Practitioners understand that your emotional state is tied to your health, and that it’s critical to tackle the stress, anxiety, and depression that can accompany a diagnosis of HIV.

In addition to acupuncture, your treatment may include the use of herbal remedies. It’s important to discuss these with all of your medical care providers in order to prevent any potential interactions. Other therapies your practitioner may recommend include diet and nutrition counseling, exercise programs and stress relief techniques to support your mind, body, and spirit.

During this challenging time, it’s important to take as much control as you can over your health. By working with a team of medical care providers and incorporating acupuncture and TCM into your treatment, you’ll be taking an important step toward regaining balance and living your healthiest possible life.

Dr. Jay Sordean and The Redwood Clinic in Berkeley, California can help you naturally fortify your body in the face of HIV. Call us at today (510) 849-1176 to set up a consultation.