Category Archives: Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

Time for Detoxification: Removing Toxicity to Start the New Year Clear

Removing Toxicity – Start the New Year Clear

Time for Detoxification: Start the New Year Right. It is nearing the end of January. How are you feeling? Full of energy or sluggish already?

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAJanuary is a great time to “ring out” the old. We often cap off a year of not-so-healthy habits with year-end celebrations featuring decadent foods and libations. Its no wonder that many people start each year feeling worn out and fatigued. These are also signs of a potential overload of internal “junk” you’ve built up from everyday chemicals and other potentially harmful substances in food, water, and air. Although the body has a natural detoxification process, we often give it more than it can handle.

Unhealthy eating can add to your toxic burden. Even within our body we produce toxins, such as byproducts of impaired digestion and unhealthy eating. It can also cause weight gain, and excess fat makes a comfy hiding place to store Headachewhat your liver has trouble cleaning out. Year-end pressures at work and emotional stress (and added pounds) from seasonal gathering and preparations can add to this toxic buildup and increase “blue” feelings in January.
Make a clear resolution to feel better. New Year’s resolutions to “be healthier” often fail due to a lack of a measurable goal. But there’s a simple way to promote good health and feel better while helping your body get back to its top cleansing speed. A 10-day metabolic detoxification program is how many people choose to start the year off rightand help them stay clear-headed and energetic all year long.

Call today to schedule an appointment to learn how a metabolic detoxification program can help you feel better. 510-849-1176

El MatadorEven your water can be a source of toxins — filtering your water from the tap prior to consumption is very important. I recommend the Multipure water filtration system and you can order it here

Many other methods of detecting toxicity in your body as well as approaches to dealing with that toxicity are mentioned in this and other postings on this site.



When a patient comes into The Redwood Clinic for a health consultation, that person usually has concerns about particular symptoms or conditions. Often they have been many other places for solutions and didn’t get the help they wanted. If the kwch Wichita 9-25-14symptoms were the only things being looked at then the underlying cause may have been missed. So that is what we do – search for the underlying cause of the symptom.

What do the following have in common?

Acid Refluxmeninges1
Erectile dysfunction
High blood pressure
Increased cholesterol
Allergies, food or otherwise
Dry eyes and mouth,
Sleep problems
Memory problems
Autoimmune Disorders

Any and all of them can be observed with, and could be due to unequal brain development. In other words, the two sides of the brain need to be fairly well matched in development of those symptoms can occur.

Today, as you can tell, I am focusing on the brain and how the brain functions.

In acupuncture, the brain and brain stem are associated with water and winter. Ergo one reason why I am talking about this now.

I am also doing prepublication publicity of my book, Super Brain – Maximize your Brain Health For a Better Life.

Stress Trauma and Toxicity are 3 primary causes of most conditions and effect the brain function. Any anomalies in the functioning that we tested can come from any of those 3.
At the same time, neurological developmental problems can cause many problems as well.

Right and Left Brain Dominance issues

In a recent lecture I gave to professionals at BNI, I had them perform a series of tasks and had them write down the answers. All of them have to do with hemispherical dominance. In general, our brains have two sides with functioning divided up so that similar functions are close together.

However, the two sides have to work together like a team and in time.

Ever flown in an airplane with two or more engines? What if the engines were not tuned well to be going at the same speed? Then you would be going in circles.

The same with our brains.

Non-verbal communication

80% of communication is said to be non-verbal. The right side of the brain is the non-verbal, big picture,emotional side. Did you think I was happy, puzzled or perplexed, and sad?

When the right side of the brain doesn’t develop properly, inability to read social and emotional non-verbal cues is the result. Up to age 2 is when the right side of the brain is really developing.

If it isn’t developing well, problems can occur. Language verbal skills are delayed because the non-verbal side is weak. When language verbal skills are weak, socialization and social interaction skills are delayed. Autism spectrum disorder occurs.

Cross Dominance

Do you have a dominant hand on one side and a dominant foot on the other? This may indicate a developmental inequality of the brain.


What else can be observed and developed with unequal brain development?

Acid Reflux
Erectile dysfunction
Increased cholesterol
Allergies, food or otherwise
Dry eyes and mouth,
Sleep problems

If you are experiencing any of these things and are not sure of the root cause, you owe it to yourself to call The Redwood Clinic to get checked out. Be aware that most insurance plans that cover acupuncture treatments DO NOT PAY for comprehensive evaluations required to really figure out the cause. It is like AAA Roadside Assistance. Great for a flat tire or a dead battery. But they WON’T pay for a replacement tire, a new battery, or a tune up of your engine. BECAUSE you didn’t pay them for that. Same thing with medical insurance. You get what you pay for.

Call today for an appointment 510-849-1176. “Take the Natural Path to Optimal Health.” Get further information about neurological solutions like NRCT as well.

Create a Treatment Plan to Tackle Your Autoimmune Disease

ResultsOver fifty million Americans are living with the diagnoses of an autoimmune disease. These diseases go by many names: Lupus, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, and Crohn’s disease just to name a few. If you are facing one of these life long conditions, you know how crucial it is to have a treatment plan in place to help you manage your symptoms to help you live the healthiest, most active life as possible.

Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can be powerful allies in living with an autoimmune disease. They can help:

  • Strengthen your immune system
  • Relieve painful symptoms
  • Reduce your stress
  • Bolster your overall health

Perhaps most importantly, your practitioner will focus on YOU as an individual. Your care will be tailored to your specific needs and symptoms, so you won’t ever receive a “one-size-fits-all” treatment.

What Went Wrong?

To understand autoimmune disease, we must first understand how the immune system works. The immune system generally acts as the body’s protection against foreign substances and microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses. When the immune system is working properly, it can tell the difference between the body’s own tissues and outside organisms.

In the case of autoimmune diseases the immune system stops being able to differentiate, and begins to attack the body’s own cells, tissues, and organs. This immune response causes harmful inflammation that eventually leads to an autoimmune condition. There are about 80 recognized autoimmune diseases, and several other conditions such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and fibromyalgia that are currently believed to have an autoimmune component.

Autoimmune conditions are often difficult to diagnose and treat because their symptoms and progression can vary from person to person. These conditions may either affect many organs or target one specific part of the body. The symptoms may be persistent, get progressively worse, or go into remission with occasional “flare-ups,” and can range from being mild to so severe that they become disabling.

The exact causes of autoimmune diseases are unknown, but since many conditions run in families, it’s believed there is a genetic relationship. Since women are at a much higher risk for many autoimmune diseases, hormones may also play a part.

Treatments generally rely upon a variety of medications, which can help to relieve symptoms, but may have uncomfortable side effects.

Cooperating Together for Better Health

Acupuncture and TCM take a holistic, or whole body approach to healing based on the idea of Qi, or vital energy. Qi flows through pathways called meridians to nourish all of the body’s organs, protect us from illness and keep us healthy. When the flow of Qi becomes diminished or blocked, disease can result.

The goal of treatment will be to find and treat the underlying imbalances that are affecting the flow of Qi. By addressing the root cause of the disease, TCM can help your body regain balance and help improve your overall health. Acupuncture and TCM can also help reduce inflammation, soothe uncomfortable symptoms, relieve side effects from medication, and increase your energy levels.

During treatment, fine, sterile needles will be inserted at specific points along the meridians in order to unblock any obstruction and allow Qi to flow freely. Your practitioner may also help improve your nutrition, reduce your stress, or start you on an exercise program.

In addition, your practitioner may recommend herbal remedies and supplements designed to support your health and boost your immune system. It’s important to communicate with all of your health providers in order to maximize your healing potential.

Acupuncture and TCM have proven effective against a wide variety of health concerns. By incorporating these powerful tools into your treatment program, you’re making the decision to support and nourish your body and take control of your autoimmune condition.

Dr. Jay Sordean and The Redwood Clinic in Berkeley, California can help you cope with your Autoimmune Disease. Call us at today (510) 849-1176 to set up a consultation.