Category Archives: Functional Medicine

PTSD, CTE, and Pain Treatment for Veterans

PTSD, CTE, and Pain Treatment for Veterans

PTSD, CTE, and Pain Treatment for Veterans is a specialty service available at The Redwood Clinic and with Dr. Jay Sordean.  Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, and PAIN are major results of the activities of soldiers not only in battle but in training and even desk jobs.  With over 40 years clinical experience in treating these, Dr. Jay Sordean, LAc, OMD, QME has specialized skills that you will not find elsewhere.  Call the office today to find out if working together might be helpful. 510-849-1176.

PTSD, CTE, and Pain Treatment for Veterans

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PTSD, CTE, and Pain Treatment for Veterans

Dr. Jay Sordean’s bestselling book Super Brain: Maximize Your Brain Health for a Better Life is a great place to start to learn more about your brain and the unique approaches used to return your brain to optimal functioning.  Https://

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#VeteranswithPTSD  #PTSD  #CTE  #VeteransforPeace #LowBackPain

Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) – Natural Medicine Approaches

Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) – Natural Medicine Approaches

There is so much more than just pump, wires, and tubes related to your heart — emotions and connections with other people and the world is equally important in heart health.

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the number one cause of death in the world. The greatest unnecessary disease of our time, the World Health Organization estimates that ever second death globally is cardiovascular in men and women.

As Michael Gaeta states, “CVD is essentially a deficiency condition. In nearly every person it is an unnecessary, preventable and reversible lifestyle-based condition. Improvements in nutrition, physical activity and social/relational health are safer and more effective than pharmaceutical interventions.” Thus, it is important to avoid the crisis intervention health care system that dominates American medicine.

If you have a desire to reduce the risk factors for CVD using a more natural medicine approach, call us at 510-849-1176 for a consultation.

Heart attacks kill 50% of the people who have them on the first time.  Those who survive may have severe reduction in their capacity to exert and function after that.  If someone is treated with the proper nutrient combinations after the onset of that low functioning, it is possible to turn around the condition, rebuild the heart function, and improve the activity level of the person who had the heart attack.  There are examples of patients who have extreme exertional fatigue, are given only a few months to live. Diligent taking a combination of specific herbs, like hawthorne and garlic, among other important foods, resulted in a patient (with a 6 weeks left to live diagnosis) being out doing intense mountain biking 8 months later.

Your heart will show the condition of the whole body and the nutrition of your entire body systems.  It will take the nutrients from the body before other organs and muscles and glands do.  So the condition of the heart, when it is studied, will predict other aspects of bodily help.  The future of your body. So get your heart checked out the right way and then take serious action.

Call us at 510-849-1176 for a consultation.

Is your brain Shrinking?

Is Your Brain Shrinking?

What You Need to Know by guest author
Ronald Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O., D.A.C.B.N., M.S.

[Editor’s Note: I have been teaching this for decades and it is one of the key factors I mention in all of my television appearances as a medical expert]

Many of you reading this short article already know that hemoglobin A1C is extremely useful revealing what the “average” blood sugar has been over the previous ninety days.

This is the same standard laboratory measurement used to measure blood sugar control in diabetics.

What many people may not be aware of is the fact that hemoglobin A1C has important implications for your brain health.

In a landmark study published in the journal Neurology, the researchers documented that elevated hemoglobin A1C is associated with changes in brain size.

The study showed researchers looking at MRIs to determine which lab test correlated best with brain atrophy and found that the hemoglobin A1C demonstrated the most powerful relationship.

They commented, “when comparing the degree of brain tissue loss in those individuals with the lowest hemoglobin A1C (4.4 to 5.2) to those having the highest hemoglobin A1C (5.9 to 9.0), the brain loss in those individuals with the highest hemoglobin A1C was almost doubled during a six-year period.

Is Your Brain Shrinking?

Hemoglobin A1C and Brain Atrophy
Hemoglobin A1C and Brain Atrophy
This profound study strongly indicates that hemoglobin A1C is far more than just a marker of blood sugar balance.

The good news is in most cases you have absolute control over your A1C.

An ideal hemoglobin A1C would be in the 4.8 to 5.4 range. Keep in mind that reducing carbohydrate ingestion, weight loss, and physical exercise will ultimately improve insulin sensitivity and lead to a reduction of hemoglobin A1C.

Dr. Jay Sordean has studied and practiced functional medicine for the last 3 decades. His lectures on the subject can be found on youtube. If you are interested in studying functional medicine, click on this link to FMU76. Compliments from Functional Medicine University
#Alzheimer’s #Dementia #SuperBrain-TheBook #OutsmartingDementia

Nutrition and Cognition

An increasing body of scientific and clinical evidence show that brain health needs personalized and multi-pronged interventions to optimize health outcomes. Nutrition and cognition (thinking) are linked. More and more researchers are offering links demonstrating how poor nutritional intake adversely affects cognitive functioning and may, in fact, contribute to various neurological conditions including anxiety, depression, autism and neurodegenerative disorders. Data are indicative that these links may begin before birth, continue throughout the life course and be particularly susceptible during times of inadequate or inappropriate nutritional intake, physiological changes or increased stress.

Many scientific sources confirm evidence of the gut-brain axis, its association to nutrition, and how it influences cognitive health throughout life—from birth into later years. These include:
-The links between stress, chronic inflammation, nutrition and cognitive health
-The critical role nutrition plays in gut and neurological health
-How to leverage specific nutritional solutions to optimize gut-brain outcomes for health conditions

How much focus should we give to “disease risk” genes? Another great question answered by Dr. Jeffrey Bland.#functionalforum #goevomed

Check out our website then call us at +1-510-849-1176
Looking for help after so many
 dead ends?  Try our Advanced
 Functional Medicine Approach
Check out our website then call us at +1-510-849-1176
Looking for help after so many
 dead ends?  Try our Advanced
 Functional Medicine Approach
Check out our website then call us at +1-510-849-1176
Looking for help after so many
 dead ends?  Try our Advanced
 Functional Medicine Approach
Check out our website then call us at +1-510-849-1176
Looking for help after so many
 dead ends?  Try our Advanced
 Functional Medicine Approach
Check out our website then call us at +1-510-849-1176
Looking for help after so many
 dead ends?  Try our Advanced
 Functional Medicine Approach


How much focus should we give to “disease risk” genes? Another great question answered by Dr. Jeffrey Bland.

#functionalforum #goevomed

#TheRedwoodClinic #JaySordean For more information about functional medicine at The Redwood Clinic, go to

#TheRedwoodClinic #JaySordean For more information about functional medicine at The Redwood Clinic, go to

Have you ever wondered how to explain acupuncture to either a patient or another physician in just two minutes? In our November 2014 Forum,


Have you ever wondered how to explain acupuncture to either a patient or another physician in just two minutes? In our November 2014 Forum, Dr. Jingduan Yang did exactly that.
#functionalforum #goevomed
For more information about functional medicine at The Redwood Clinic, go to

#TheRedwoodClinic #JaySordean For more information about functional medicine at The Redwood Clinic, go to

What are the major causes of chronic disease that most doctors miss? Best ask a dentist. Dr. Lewis Gross, on the Functional Forum.#functio


What are the major causes of chronic disease that most doctors miss? Best ask a dentist. Dr. Lewis Gross, on the Functional Forum.
#functionalforum #goevomed

#TheRedwoodClinic #JaySordean For more information about functional medicine at The Redwood Clinic, go to

#TheRedwoodClinic #JaySordean For more information about functional medicine at The Redwood Clinic, go to

What does GERD teach us about digestion as a feedback mechanism? Great information from Marc David on the Functional Forum from Boulder.#f

What does GERD teach us about digestion as a feedback mechanism? Great information from Marc David on the Functional Forum from Boulder.
#functionalforum #goevomed The Institute for the Psychology of Eating


#TheRedwoodClinic #JaySordean For more information about functional medicine at The Redwood Clinic, go to

What steps can we take to help patients regain nueroplasticity? You might be surprise by the answer. Dr. Datis Kharrazian explains on the

What steps can we take to help patients regain nueroplasticity? You might be surprise by the answer. Dr. Datis Kharrazian explains on the Functional Forum.
#functionalforum #goevomed Datis Kharrazian, DHSc, DC, MS

Dr. Datis Kharrazian is one of Dr. Jay Sordean’s teachers of many years.

#TheRedwoodClinic #JaySordean For more information about functional medicine at The Redwood Clinic, go to