Hypnotherapy and Health
What do you think of when you hear the word “hypnotherapy?” Excitement? Enthusiasm? Relaxation? Concern? Well, some people are
afraid that hypnotherapy or guided imagery will make you lose control. That you will be under the influence of someone or something else. Nothing could be further from the truth. We have heard that there are a few individuals in religious circles who warn that is it somehow “evil” — well there is absolutely no basis for labeling it in that way. Read further to see why.
Granted, extreme applications (of understanding how the mind can work) are used to manipulate others by cults and in harsh interrogation methods by the CIA, FBI, police, Mossad, M-1, KGB, and elsewhere. But that is a vastly different situation. For health improvement and stress reduction, hypnotherapy and guided imagery are extremely benevolent and non-directive. It is a matter merely of offering suggestions — giving your higher powers an opportunity to choose another way that can be helpful.
Hypnotherapy and Positive Reinforcement
This aspect of healing and health maintenance can be a very positive addition to your “medicine cabinet.” In fact, ALL TOP OLYMPIC ATHLETES and successful CEOs routinely use this for peak performance. Essentially it is positive self-talk. And can you deny that you speak to yourself, inside your head, many times a day? It is a normal aspect of your brain function, and making sure that the words are supportive and positive is key. (Of course, if there are many voices in your head telling you to murder and kill, that could be a sign of serious mental illness. This is NOT what we are talking about here.)
Patients’ Experience of Hypnotherapy at The Redwood Clinic
Are we just talking theory here? Is there any proof of this? Well, at The Redwood Clinic we have been using this in conjunction with acupuncture and other approaches for the past 25 years or more. This is because it is safe, quick, and effective. Our patients, by in large, love it and look forward to it at their visits. Of course, some people don’t choose to do it and that is fine too. But of those who do utilize this adjunctive tool, 100% are excited about it and find that it is really a positive influence in their health.
Hypnotheray and Kaiser Health Care
Kaiser Foundation Health Care is a conservative organization. They require some solid evidence before they will pay for or use some method. Well, they encourage the use of hypnotherapy and guided imagery, as do Harvard, Stanford, the Mayo Clinic, and almost all of the major medical schools and centers in the U.S. Why? Because it is safe and effective.
What does Kaiser specifically say about it? “Your mind and body are connected. Guided imagery programs engage your mind, body, and spirit to help you:
- reduce stress
- focus on healthy changes
- promote healing”
Kaiser has a specific place that “produces our gentle, but powerful, guided imagery programs. Kaiser Permanente doesn’t provide transcripts for these programs because the reading voice — its softness and pace — is key to their success.” That organization is called Healthy Journeys.
Areas that Kaiser Promotes Hypnotherapy
What hypnotherapy/guided imagery audios do they provide direct access to all Kaiser members?
- Related to “Health Conditions and concerns”: allergies, coping with cancer, cancer chemotherapy, cancer radiation therapy, fibromyalgia and fatigue, headaches, healthy heart, immune system health, menopause, pain, pregnancy and childbirth, and surgery.
- Related to “Emotional Wellness:” anger and forgiveness, grief, panic attacks and anxiety, self-confidence, and stress.
- Related to “Living Healthily:” relaxation and wellness, sleep, stop smoking, and weight loss.
Kaiser has been providing these self-access resources since at least 2012. At The Redwood Clinic we have been using these since at least 1990. Always on the cutting edge of what we can do to help you wholistically.
We will also have some podcasts on this subject on our podcast channel: http://www.NaturalSolutionsWithDrJay.com