Category Archives: Diabetes

Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) – Natural Medicine Approaches

Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) – Natural Medicine Approaches

There is so much more than just pump, wires, and tubes related to your heart — emotions and connections with other people and the world is equally important in heart health.

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the number one cause of death in the world. The greatest unnecessary disease of our time, the World Health Organization estimates that ever second death globally is cardiovascular in men and women.

As Michael Gaeta states, “CVD is essentially a deficiency condition. In nearly every person it is an unnecessary, preventable and reversible lifestyle-based condition. Improvements in nutrition, physical activity and social/relational health are safer and more effective than pharmaceutical interventions.” Thus, it is important to avoid the crisis intervention health care system that dominates American medicine.

If you have a desire to reduce the risk factors for CVD using a more natural medicine approach, call us at 510-849-1176 for a consultation.

Heart attacks kill 50% of the people who have them on the first time.  Those who survive may have severe reduction in their capacity to exert and function after that.  If someone is treated with the proper nutrient combinations after the onset of that low functioning, it is possible to turn around the condition, rebuild the heart function, and improve the activity level of the person who had the heart attack.  There are examples of patients who have extreme exertional fatigue, are given only a few months to live. Diligent taking a combination of specific herbs, like hawthorne and garlic, among other important foods, resulted in a patient (with a 6 weeks left to live diagnosis) being out doing intense mountain biking 8 months later.

Your heart will show the condition of the whole body and the nutrition of your entire body systems.  It will take the nutrients from the body before other organs and muscles and glands do.  So the condition of the heart, when it is studied, will predict other aspects of bodily help.  The future of your body. So get your heart checked out the right way and then take serious action.

Call us at 510-849-1176 for a consultation.

Is your brain Shrinking?

Is Your Brain Shrinking?

What You Need to Know by guest author
Ronald Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O., D.A.C.B.N., M.S.

[Editor’s Note: I have been teaching this for decades and it is one of the key factors I mention in all of my television appearances as a medical expert]

Many of you reading this short article already know that hemoglobin A1C is extremely useful revealing what the “average” blood sugar has been over the previous ninety days.

This is the same standard laboratory measurement used to measure blood sugar control in diabetics.

What many people may not be aware of is the fact that hemoglobin A1C has important implications for your brain health.

In a landmark study published in the journal Neurology, the researchers documented that elevated hemoglobin A1C is associated with changes in brain size.

The study showed researchers looking at MRIs to determine which lab test correlated best with brain atrophy and found that the hemoglobin A1C demonstrated the most powerful relationship.

They commented, “when comparing the degree of brain tissue loss in those individuals with the lowest hemoglobin A1C (4.4 to 5.2) to those having the highest hemoglobin A1C (5.9 to 9.0), the brain loss in those individuals with the highest hemoglobin A1C was almost doubled during a six-year period.

Is Your Brain Shrinking?

Hemoglobin A1C and Brain Atrophy
Hemoglobin A1C and Brain Atrophy
This profound study strongly indicates that hemoglobin A1C is far more than just a marker of blood sugar balance.

The good news is in most cases you have absolute control over your A1C.

An ideal hemoglobin A1C would be in the 4.8 to 5.4 range. Keep in mind that reducing carbohydrate ingestion, weight loss, and physical exercise will ultimately improve insulin sensitivity and lead to a reduction of hemoglobin A1C.

Dr. Jay Sordean has studied and practiced functional medicine for the last 3 decades. His lectures on the subject can be found on youtube. If you are interested in studying functional medicine, click on this link to FMU76. Compliments from Functional Medicine University
#Alzheimer’s #Dementia #SuperBrain-TheBook #OutsmartingDementia

Nutrition and Cognition

An increasing body of scientific and clinical evidence show that brain health needs personalized and multi-pronged interventions to optimize health outcomes. Nutrition and cognition (thinking) are linked. More and more researchers are offering links demonstrating how poor nutritional intake adversely affects cognitive functioning and may, in fact, contribute to various neurological conditions including anxiety, depression, autism and neurodegenerative disorders. Data are indicative that these links may begin before birth, continue throughout the life course and be particularly susceptible during times of inadequate or inappropriate nutritional intake, physiological changes or increased stress.

Many scientific sources confirm evidence of the gut-brain axis, its association to nutrition, and how it influences cognitive health throughout life—from birth into later years. These include:
-The links between stress, chronic inflammation, nutrition and cognitive health
-The critical role nutrition plays in gut and neurological health
-How to leverage specific nutritional solutions to optimize gut-brain outcomes for health conditions

Are there Different “Types” of Alzheimer’s? We asked Dr. Dale Bredesen on the Functional Forum.#functionalforum #goevomed Dr. Dale Bred

Check out our website then call us at +1-510-849-1176
Looking for help after so many
 dead ends?  Try our Advanced
 Functional Medicine Approach

Are there Different “Types” of Alzheimer’s? We asked Dr. Dale Bredesen on the Functional Forum.
#functionalforum #goevomed Dr. Dale Bredesen

#TheRedwoodClinic #JaySordean For more information about functional medicine at The Redwood Clinic, go to

Foundational Nutrition Organic Food and Multipure Water

Foundational Nutrition Organic Food and Multipure Water

(NOTE: Thoughts induced by sitting in a workshop on Morphogenic Field Technique on Saturday March 17, 2018)

Our food and foundational nutrition is the basis for our health. We put things into our body and the body has to rely on that for nutrition. Organic is important in food selection as other foods are more laden with pesticides, herbicides, and genetic components from bacterial and viruses. The latter are found in the genetically modified organism’s (GMO) DNA. (Let’s talk more about this topic of Foundational Nutrition Organic Food and Multipure Water.)

East Bay Water - Cancer Causing Contaminants

Susan B. Koemen Donation Version of System

Funny that we have to classify foods as “organic” or not, because before the advent of artificial and synthetic pesticides and herbicides being used on agricultural lands and plants. Before the creation and use of those artificial and synthetic chemicals, ALL food was organic.
Genetically engineered wheat was first created in 1970. Prior to that there was organic wheat. Now, it is much harder to find non-engineered wheat.

The GMOs were designed to make pesticides and herbicides more effective. A primary one that the plant DNA has been modified for is ROUND-UP. And that agricultural poison has been around a long long time. It was becoming less effective and more was being used. Then the toxicity concentrations increased to the point that quick symptoms developed and regulatory standards were being violated. So the professional agricultural industry combined pesticide and herbicide chemistry with Genetic chemistry in the plant. But we are actually using 1500 times more Round-up now than was ever originally improved. FIFTEEN HUNDRED TIMES!

Where are the pesticides and herbicides? The goal is to have them applied just to the plant and the field. However, they are applied in an aerosolized form, and so they are floating in the air and get carried by weather to a very large area beyond the field.

Thus, we are all exposed to pesticides and herbicides, if for no other reason that we all occupy space and breathe air. Of course, we don’t want to introduce pesticides and herbicides in our body. They are not organic and they are not good for our body. Period. So, while we can’t avoid the chemicals in the air and soil we move over and through, we can try to avoid the pesticides and herbicides still on the plants (and in the animal products we eat that also ate plants).

Foundational Nutrition Organic Food and Multipure Water

So, the whole point of this is to remind each of us, you and me, that the basis of health and health care starts with foundational nutrition. Water is also a foundational nutrition. My purpose as a natural medicine doctor is to help you achieve optimal health and vitality. That is why I say “Eat as organically as you can afford.” And “Use a Multipure Filtration System to keep the toxins in tap water out of your body.”

Those two points are foundational medicine. Every medical practitioner and organization should be using these principles as the first thing they suggest to you for health care.

You can get your Multipure Filtration System through this office by ordering at or calling us at 510-849-1176. Multipure Independent Distributor ID#: 432075


Learn more about functional medicine on this website at
Follow my other blogs about Multipure and water at

Maximize Your Brain Health and Avoid Dementia

Maximize Your Brain Health and Avoid Dementia

Brain Health is number one for health in general.  And brain health is vital for controlling and regulating all specifics of health.  After all, it is your brain that is reading this right now!

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

Alzheimer’s and Dementia: Alma Via of San Rafael Benefit Talk for Alzheimer’s Association Part 1 – Part 3

Alma Via of San Rafael and Shirley McElhatten sponsored a benefit talk for the Alzheimer’s Association on Wednesday August 30, 2017. They invited Dr. Jay to speak about how to Maximize your BRAIN HEALTH based on his clinical experience, two bestselling books, and more than 20 appearances on local TV in his mission to prevent a million cases of Alzheimer’s and dementia. The lively and engaged attendees, as well as the amazingly beautiful and delicious buffet by the chef of Alma Via, made for a very successful event. You can still make donations to the Alzheimer’s Association through Alma Via of San Rafael – donator’s received a copy of one (or both) of Dr. Jay’s books on the brain and dementia. and Information about Alma Via of San Rafael is found at and by contacting Shirley at 415.491.1900 ext. 602.
Dr. Jay can be reached at

Maximize Your Brain Health and Avoid Dementia

Maximize Your Brain Health and Avoid Dementia

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

Maximize Your Brain Health and Avoid Dementia

How your brain works in this respect is discussed also in Dr. Jay’s books related to helping you save your brain. They can be obtained here:

Maximize Your Brain Health

Acupuncture Expert in Portland Oregon

To order either of the bestselling books by Dr. Jay Sordean, go to:   and

For information about brain evaluation and treatments, and Dr. Jay’s “B.R.A.I.N. H.E.A.L.T.H. Program” go to

There are many resources Dr. Jay and The Redwood Clinic have to offer you for improving brain health and brain wealth.  These include the podcast interviews at where many of the interviews are related to brain health, how to avoid ending up in memory care communities, and the cost of brain degeneration to individuals and communities alike.

Acupuncture Benefits Insurance Coverage

Acupuncture Benefits Insurance Coverage

[Editor’s Note: While Positivity is the Usual Tone for this blog, this article is addressing a more serious trend and so is not upbeat]

Typical Medical Insurance Policy restrictions regarding Acupuncture Benefit and Reimbursement

You are all excited that you found out your insurance plan has acupuncture coverage. You think, “wow, it says I am entitled to 12 visits a year. Or 20 visits a year.” And you are thinking “I am entitled to getting each and every one of them and it is the doctor’s duty to do that for me.”
You are also perhaps feeling that the providers on the list are super happy that they get to work with you because you have insurance.

Well, providers are usually happy to be able to help you with their skills and art. That is for sure.
But in many cases, for the provider, the insurance part of it is not the warm and fuzzy feeling you have.

Why would that be? Please continue reading to the end to better understand why.

When you are not paying their usual and customary fees, in other words, if you are not paying full cash rate out of pocket, there are some things you should seriously consider to make the professional relationship work.

Acupuncture Benefits Insurance CoverageThe elephant in the room, your insurance plan, will always have either a good or bad effect. So it is incumbent upon you to understand the system that is the intermediary in this business transaction.

Think about it. You go in to buy groceries. You pick up what you want. You go to the cashier. You pay out of pocket and you get the groceries. Did the store have to bill a third party to get paid?

Or you go to a financial planner for advice. You go in, you pay in cash, check, credit card, etc., you sit down and talk. You get the advice. You pay then and the financial planner gets paid then. No insurance involved as a middle man.

Let’s say you work at a coffee place. You are a barista. You get paid hourly or as a salary. People come in, order, pay (maybe sometimes with a discount card or coupon), you make what they want, they leave with what they bought. No insurance involved in the middle of that transaction. And you don’t have to bill some intermediary, like and insurance company, to get your pay check.

But that isn’t the way it is for the solo or group medical professional who has agreed to help patients by accepting their medical insurance. It is a totally different situation. You should understand it, especially if you want a good relationship with your provider and if you are thinking of going into that profession as well.

<h2>Acupuncture Benefits Insurance Coverage Basics</h2>

You have a contract (medical insurance) that says the insurance company will pay for some of your treatments in particular situations. This is called a “benefit.” “Benefits” are always limited in scope.

Eligibility means that you can access your plan because you (or someone else) paid your policy premium, so the medical insurance contract is in effect.

You have asked your possible provider to accept insurance payments. Typically that means that you want the provider to be satisfied with the amount that you pay with your copay and the part that the insurance company pays in addition.

So the provider (or paid staff) has to spend time and money to find out two things first. Your eligibility. And if you are eligible, do you have the (examination, evaluation, treatment) benefit?

Now, even if you are eligible and have, say, acupuncture, benefits, that doesn’t mean that your condition is one that the insurance plan agrees can be helped or treated with acupuncture.
This is an area of confusion for most patients.

Once again, just because you have the benefit it doesn’t guarantee that the provider will be paid. It doesn’t mean that the benefit applies to your condition. ALL INSURANCE PLANS specify what types of conditions they think might be impacted by acupuncture, herbs, shiatsu, massage, cupping etc.

MOST plans restrict “relevancy” to certain musculoskeletal problems, chroinic pain, nausea with pregnancy, and perhaps a few other diagnostic categories.

When the provider treats you, he has to provide diagnostic codes on the bill. He has to provide procedure codes. These two together relate to whether the benefit will be paid or not. If the insurance plan decides that they don’t want to pay for a particular benefit because they don’t like that diagnostic code, the provider will not be paid by the insurance company.

And don’t ask the provider to lie about the diagnosis just so you don’t have to pay.  That is jeopardizing the provider’s license.

The provider if under contract, might then be able to send you the bill because they can bill you for anything the insurance plan won’t pay for. Other times, the insurance plan will tell the provider “tough luck. We won’t pay you and you can’t bill the patient.”

How fair is that? Not fair at all, I would propose.

Especially, when the time and cost of dealing with insurance plans is so severe for providers.
1. They have to spend time verifying eligibility and benefits. That could take as much as 1 hour or more. And then there still is no guarantee that the information will be correct.
2. They have to spend time making appointments, corresponding with the patients, actually examining and treating the patients, collecting co-payments, and then billing the insurance company for the balance.
3. Automation hasn’t really made much of a difference in this time issue, especially when the insurance company denies payment.
4. Knowing how to deal with the insurance system itself is a MAJOR expenditure of time and money. The insurance companies don’t ever pay providers for this time required to learn the system and keep up on all of the alerts and newsletters related to changes in the system and contracts.
5. On top of it all, insurance companies, with a few exceptions, have slashed reimbursement rates to participating providers. In most cases it is a 50 -90% reduction in their fee schedule.
6. And then there is the paperwork requirements imposed. Of course, again, no compensation for any of that given to the provider.

How are Acuncturists Paid:   Independent providers aren’t given a salary. They aren’t provided an hourly wage. They have overhead and business expenses that they have to pay before they can take payment for their own expertise and work out of the small amount of money the insurance company gives them for their professional expertise.

 It is likely that your insurance doesn’t even cover the cost of overhead if your doctor bills the insurance company directly.  Some insurances do, most don’t.

Please keep this in mind when you call and ask a provider to make an appointment with you when you have a PPO plan. If the tables were turned, is it you who is doing the favor or the provider doing you the favor?

Granted, there are a few insurance plans that are not stealing from the providers. But there are many more plans that claim that they pay for the treatment, but don’t.  In fact, often the patient pays way more in a copay than the insurance company itself pays.

And YOUR plan might be one of those.  Hopefully, not.  But if it is, extra consideration for your provider might just be just what the doctor ordered.

5 Color Vegetables or Fruits

5 Color Vegetables or Fruits

Foods and nutrition are great topics for the holiday gatherings.

A recent gathering of HAART employees and directors of the board (Dr. Jay is on the board of directors of HAART) was such an opportunity. Savyon, my eldest daughter, was sitting at a table of younger professional women. Among the topics that came up was different types of diets and eating plans — Paleo, vegan, etc.

One person in the conversation, Savannah, is the newest board member. She mentioned that she was brought up with the simple concept by her mother of eating different color foods at each meal. Do that in a consistent fashion as a child and you will grow up getting at least some basic nutrition.

Others talked about paleo diets related to our “caveman” genetic backgrounds.

Kaiser sends out an email newsletter with the following article today:

Beyond the ‘White Food’ Diet: Seven Tips for Adding Color to Your Child’s Plate

Again, the same advice from a pediatrician.

Why the colors? Well, nature produces different colors to attract different animals. Different colors of veggies and fruits contain different kinds of phytonutrients and different types of antioxidants. And antioxidants are substances we need in our bodies to balance out the oxidation reactions that are, for one thing, the basis for our energy production system. Krebs cycle, citric acid cycle, mitochonria, etc. etc. You know what I’m talking about.

So, while the composition of these colored foods was less well studied 30, 40, 50 years ago, we have a clearer idea of the biochemical reason why eating colored vegetables and fruits may be important.

If you can’t get enough of these servings of food in your diet you can get a rough substitute by taking the right supplements. One I recommend is Phytonutrients by Metagenics. You can order them online here.

Hemoglobin A1c and Your Brain Shrinkage – Diabetes Connection

Hemoglobin A1c and Your Brain Shrinkage – Diabetes Connection

Hemoglobin A1c is a marker in your blood stream used to detect blood sugar health or disease. You may know of it in connection with diagnosis and monitoring of diabetes or other blood sugar diseases and imbalances. A low A1c is healthy; too high, and it tells us that your blood sugar has been too high for too long. This means there is high potential for malfunction of many parts of your body.  And as you know, that’s NOT GOOD.

Hemoglobin A1c

Dr. Jay Speaking on News about Brain Health and Diabetes

When blood sugar is too high, indicated by a high hemoglobin A1c, many other proteins traveling in your blood stream can get coated with sugar. In technical terms this is called glycation. These “sticky” proteins then cause problems. Kinda like dirt in the oil of your car engine, or mud mixed with the grease on your bicycle chain. The parts of your body that should work for a long time wear out more quickly.

The parts of your body that are harmed by high sugar includes your brain cells. This is what I have called “crusty brain syndrome” in my tv appearances regarding how to prevent Alzheimer’s.   This is why I have emphasized the need to address your blood sugar and diabetes early on.

Hemoglobin A1C and brain healthLucky for you, we do have ways to help you through nutrition, proper supplementation, and good dietary and exercise habits. Two medical foods that can help you start are available though our natural medicine clinic’s online stores.  Look below for the details and links to get started today.

BUYER BEWARE: There are alot of fake products on the market. Rip offs. On the other hand, at The Redwood clinic we only source the best products by the best and most reliable manufacturers. Products that have clinical testing. SO, BEWARE and TAKE NOTE: Click only on the links at the bottom to order. That way you can be sure that the product you buy is not a fake knock-off by some online scam artists.  I believe that you want to be sure that what you are putting in your body is good for your body and not some look-alike or expired product. Any lack of effectiveness is most likely due to a bogus product and your not getting professional guidance at The Redwood Clinic. We do a thorough analysis to help guide you in the right direction. Call to set up an appointment +1-510-849-1176.

Did I just make up this information about Hemoglobin A1c?   No.

Hemoglobin A1c and Your Brain Shrinkage – Diabetes Connection

Kaiser Foundation Research Center found that the higher the sugar levels in the body the smaller the brain becomes.

Now there is another landmark study published in the journal Neurology. The researchers documented that elevated hemoglobin A1C is associated with changes in brain size.  This is what I have been preaching to my patients for decades.

The Neurology study showed researchers looking at MRIs to determine which lab test correlated best with brain atrophy and found that the hemoglobin A1C demonstrated the most powerful relationship.

They commented, “when comparing the degree of brain tissue loss in those individuals with the lowest hemoglobin A1C (4.4 to 5.2) to those having the highest hemoglobin A1C (5.9 to 9.0), the brain loss in those individuals with the highest hemoglobin A1C was almost doubled during a six-year period.

So, once again, we see that blood sugar has important implications for your brain health. Anyone who has been around a diabetic whose blood sugar levels are not controlled knows what I mean. Often they are mentally “out of it.” The excess sugarized-proteins damage brain cells and cause massive inflammation. This inflammation damages the retinas of the eyes, Hemoglobin A1Ccausing blindness. The inflammation damages the kidneys, causing renal failure and the need for dialysis.

Is Your Brain Shrinking? Time to seriously think about brain health and blood sugar balance. If your A1C is high it is time to give us a call and set up an appointment to see how to turn that around naturally. +1-510-849-1176

LINKS to supplements that might help rebalance blood sugar (in combination with other healthy life-style eating and exercise)  1. Prediabetics and diabetics:  Wellness Essentials Health Balance OR UltraGlucoseControl 30 day.  Order at (Open an account with a discount, call The Redwood Clinic to register as a patient and get the discount  code 510-849-1176)  2.  Another, OptiMetaboliX 2:1, can be obtained online by calling The Redwood Clinic to become a registered patient and get the code to order this supplements.)


C. Enzinger, et al., “Risk Factors for Progression of Brain Atrophy in Aging: Six-year Follow-up of Normal Subjects,” Neurology 64, no. 10 (May 24, 2005): 1704-11.The Journal

Ronald Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O., D.A.C.B.N., M.S.

Functional Medicine University:  Want to study functional medicine at a fantastic distance-learning organization? CLICK HERE to sign up or to get on the waiting list

Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Health

Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Health

Omega-3 fatty acids are just one kind of fat. There are many (thousands, actually) types of fats. There are many ways that fats are analyzed chemically and classified by biochemists and nutritionists.

Research tells us that different fats either help or hurt your health and body functioning.

For example, rancid fats and trans fats are not good for your body.

We all need fats in our diet to live and flourish. Fats are one of the 3 primary food components, with the other two being proteins and carbohydrates. But you already know that.

The last 10 or so years the fish oils (deep sea) has received a resurgence of attention and popularity in the healthy eating literature and movement.   Part of this is based on the antiinflammatory properties some of the fish oil components have.  The cardiovascular risk reducing effects of Omega-3 fatty acids has become well know.  Largely due to the fact that a leading cause of death in the US is heart attacks and strokes.

You might already be taking omega-3 fatty acids as a supplement or eating portions of fish like salmon more frequently based on this information.

NOT ALL OMEGA-3 SUPPLEMENTS ARE THE SAME.  Not all of them are healthy.  Please watch the video attached to this blog post to learn cutting-edge (and advanced basic) knowledge relevant to optimizing your health.

My purpose is to help as many people as possible to optimize their health so they can fulfill their purposes in life.  We offer this video in that spirit.

Call us at The Redwood Clinic +1-510-849-1176 to order supplements mentioned in the video.

We have numerous other videos at this website and online that complement the content in this video.

Our podcast is also a great way to learn about caring for your health.