Category Archives: Depression

PTSD, CTE, and Pain Treatment for Veterans

PTSD, CTE, and Pain Treatment for Veterans

PTSD, CTE, and Pain Treatment for Veterans is a specialty service available at The Redwood Clinic and with Dr. Jay Sordean.  Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, and PAIN are major results of the activities of soldiers not only in battle but in training and even desk jobs.  With over 40 years clinical experience in treating these, Dr. Jay Sordean, LAc, OMD, QME has specialized skills that you will not find elsewhere.  Call the office today to find out if working together might be helpful. 510-849-1176.

PTSD, CTE, and Pain Treatment for Veterans

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PTSD, CTE, and Pain Treatment for Veterans

Dr. Jay Sordean’s bestselling book Super Brain: Maximize Your Brain Health for a Better Life is a great place to start to learn more about your brain and the unique approaches used to return your brain to optimal functioning.  Https://

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#VeteranswithPTSD  #PTSD  #CTE  #VeteransforPeace #LowBackPain

Opioid Addiction

Opioid addiction

Opioid addiction is at all time highs in the US. Television, radio, magazines, newspapers, blogs, and politicians are all ranting about the opioid addiction problem in this country. The basis of this addiction is typically a pain condition that was initially treated with opioids like oxycodone – supposed to be a short term therapeutic regimen – but that turned into long term dependence.

Alternatives exist – such as acupuncture to increase endorphins in the brain, and NRCT (Neurologic relief center technique) that may be helpful to reduce the nerve irritations that can cause pain syndromes not addressed in other ways. Mindfulness, hypnotherapy, guided imagery and a variety of natural supplements can also be effective interventions to replace the addictive opioids or to reduce the dependence over time.


By far, the opioid crisis is one of the worst epidemics to hit the United States.

More than 2.4 million Americans have reportedly abused opioid medications, many of which are formulated to match pain-reducing properties of opium, including legal painkillers like morphine, oxycodone, and hydrocodone.

Others have turned to heroin and fentanyl.

Making it worse, according to U.S. governors, as noted by NBC Chicago:

“The federal government needs to do more to block illicit versions of synthetic drugs such as fentanyl from being shipped into the U.S. Last year, the Department of Justice issued indictments of two Chinese companies accused of sending fentanyl illegally into the U.S., one of several anti-opioid moves by the federal government.”

It’s gotten so bad that since 1999, the number of accidental deaths involving opioids has quadrupled. In fact, it’s been reported that 91 Americans die every day from it.

In 2015, 52,000 Americans died from opioid abuse.

According to The U.S. Council of Economic Advisers (CEA):“CEA estimates that in 2015, the economic cost of the opioid crisis was $504.0 billion, or 2.8 percent of GDP that year. This is over six times larger than the most recently estimated economic cost of the epidemic.”In 2016, that number exploded to 63,600. In 2017, early data has it up to 66,000.

It’s why President Donald Trump declared the opioid crisis a “public health emergency.”

“We have to be careful because there’s a drug epidemic the likes of which we’ve never seen in this country,” he added. “I will be pushing the concept of non addictive painkillers very, very hard. We’re going to be spending lots of money on coming up with a non-addictive solutions.”


Alternatives exist – such as acupuncture to increase endorphins in the brain, and NRCT (Neurologic relief center technique) that may be helpful to reduce the nerve irritations that can cause pain syndromes not addressed in other ways. Mindfulness, hypnotherapy, guided imagery and a variety of natural supplements can also be effective interventions to replace the addictive opioids or to reduce the dependence over time.

The functional medicine approach is also very important to get your body’s systems back into balance.

Opioids severely alter the digestive and elimination systems. They are the basis for getting nutrition in your system and the foundation of a healthy immune system. When those are malfunctioning, the brain also is effected directly, and then the natural opiates produced by the brain and elsewhere, the endorphins and enkephalins are thrown out of balance. As are the feel-good biochemicals of serotonin and dopamine.

To break the addiction cycle the body’s natural feel good and pain reducing chemicals must be activated. Functional medicine is the most effective approach for this as it reduces dependence on pharmaceutical agents that cause numerous side effects.

Call us today at The Redwood Clinic +1-510-849-1176 to set up your functional medicine consultation. Delay only makes the addiction worse.

Lead in School Water – Multipure the answer

Lead in School Water – Multipure the answer

Berkeley and Oakland and other schools in California have been found to have lead in school water and water fountains have been shut off. The presence of lead in school water at levels that the pediatric physician association considers dangerous is below the EPA standards. Installing Multipure water purification systems in the schools would be a great solution to the issue. However, how about the water in the HOMES of the students and teachers as well? If there is lead in school water, then for sure it is also in the tap water of homes. Multipure is the most well studied and qualified system that addresses not only lead in school water but also the industrial chemicals that also cause brain and body degeneration.

Is there much about this topic in the internet? Look below for a page one dump on the key word search “lead in school water california.”

Drinking lead: Why California may force all schools to test their water…/drinking-lead-why-california-may-force-all-schools…
Aug 22, 2017 – Daniel Wills, a plumber with the Los Angeles Unified School District Maintenance and Operations Branch repairs and replaces one of hundreds of old fountains that were found to have high levels of lead in the water at John H Francis Polytechnic Senior High in Sun Valley. (Nancy Pastor, for CALmatters).
Extreme level of lead at SF school gym fountain, among 30 taps failing ……/Extreme-level-of-lead-at-SF-school-gym-fountain-12318511.php
Nov 1, 2017 – A growing list of schools across the state are posting high levels of lead flowing out of faucets after the water crisis in Flint, Mich. — in which corrosion of pipes led to leaching of lead into the city water supply — led California officials to push for testing, especially in schools.
3 San Francisco public schools show high levels of lead in water ……/Three-San-Francisco-public-schools-show-high-12306785.p…
Oct 27, 2017 – Water samples from taps and drinking fountains at three San Francisco public schoolscontained elevated levels of lead, potentially exposing students to the toxic metal, district officials said Wednesday. District officials immediately shut down the taps and this week notified parents at West Portal and …
Lead in Drinking Water in Schools and Childcare Facilities – EPA
May 19, 2017 – The 15 ppb action level for PWSs is therefore a trigger for treatment rather than a health-based or exposure level. EPA recommends that schools collect 250 ml first-draw samples fromwater fountains and outlets.
Why Are School Water Fountains So Susceptible to Lead Poisoning?

Multipure Independent Distributor ID# 432075 The Redwood Clinic…/Why-Are-School-Water-Fountains-So-Susceptible-to-Lead-Pois…
Jul 27, 2016 – New York is set to become the first state to require schools to regularly test their waterfor lead. But it’s far from the only place with the problem.
Lead, arsenic, copper found in drinking water at some NorCal schools…water-at…schools/13533575
Nov 13, 2017 – KCRA 3 tests water fountains at 24 Sacramento-San Joaquin Valley schools; these are the results.
Lead taints drinking water in hundreds of schools, day cares across USA…water-lead-schools…/81220916/
Mar 17, 2016 – Whenever Jamison Rich got thirsty after gym or recess, he took a drink from the nearestwater fountain at his elementary school. Only last month did his family learn that the water bubbling out of some fountains contained high levels of lead, a notorious toxin that can silently damage developing brains and …
Burbank Unified schools test negative for lead in water fountains ……/…
Jul 11, 2017 – Burbank parents can rest assured that their children will not be exposed to lead from any drinking fountain at any school in Burbank Unified. Burbank Water and Power recently published its 2016 annual Water Quality Report in the agency’s June 2017 issue of its Currents newsletter, which reported that …
Analyze This: Real data on lead levels in school drinking water ……/analyze-real-data-lead-levels-school-drinki…
Analyze This: Real data on lead levels in school drinking water. Monitoring for lead (as in these data) is an important part of identifying risks to health. Lillian Steenblik Hwang. May 3, 2017 — 12:00 pm EST.water fountain. Water that appears clear and clean can be unsafe if it contains high amounts of lead, a toxic metal.
School drinking water will be tested for lead — after filters are installed ……/school-drinking-water-will-be-tested-for-lead-after-filters-are…
Oct 27, 2017 – The Orleans Parish School Board is finally moving ahead with the filters. But it looks like they will not meet a self-imposed deadline to have them installed this fall. They plan to test water fountains and kitchen fixtures after the filters are installed. At that point, the tests are virtually guaranteed to show no lead …

Multipure Independent Distributor ID# 432075 The Redwood Clinic

Unpaid Demands of Insurance Carriers

Unpaid Demands of Insurance Carriers

As someone who might have some insurance coverage that claims to “cover” acupuncture services, you might think that your provider is being reasonably compensated. In all but a minority of situations, “in-network” providers are paid very poorly. They are not paid for their expertise, for the time it takes to do a thorough diagnosis or evaluation, nor for the time they spend doing the treatment, for all the insurance verification and billing, for the accounting required, for their overhead, let alone anything left over for take-home.

Seriously, insurance plans and the third party administrators are making huge profits while providers are expected to go bankrupt for the sake of their patients and the insurance plans.

For example, start out with the contracts and policy manuals that the carriers and third party administrators expect providers to read, understand, and follow. Are they paid to review these? No. Are they paid to take the time to understand them? No. All of that is on their free time. No providers in the acupuncture world are on salary if they have to know all of this. And the number of acupuncturists on salary? Infinitesmaly few.

Unpaid Demands of Insurance Carriers

Here is a 4 page document listing only a small number of plans. This mailer is required reading for by providers.  It is just a drop in the bucket of the papers and documents that are supposed to be read by providers and their staff.

Please take the time to read it and understand it. How much time did it take you? How much should you be paid to have to do that? Please let me know.  Because providers get zip for doing so. And if they have staff, they have to pay them to take the time to read it.  Who pays for it?  Not the insurance company.

On the other hand, how much were the writers of this paid to create it? Mucho dinero. Believe me. It is the administrators, the JACO inspectors, the policy wonks, the CEOs who are making millions off of this. But the providers you rely on for help? NOTHING.

And the administrators will blame it all on regulations. Regulations that they created to obfuscate and then blame providers for not following.

Unpaid Demands of Insurance Carriers

And I bet that your insurance premiums are going up astronomically. My personal Kaiser policy is going up 21% this coming year. Is there any corresponding increase in fees paid for treatments done? Ha Ha Ha. The jokes on you if you think that independent providers get an extra cent from the increase.

No, the joke’s on the providers who accept the plan payments. Like The Redwood Clinic. SUCKERS!!!

Is there any increase for even increases in costs? Rather, the fees continue to be cut with more and more demands to do more for free.

Unpaid Demands of Insurance Carriers

Insurance carriers and third party administrators are laughing all the way to the bank. And providers are dropping like flies. That is why there are so few providers accepting insurance. MDs, unless they are part of a medical group associated with a hospital/insurance plan complex.

The truth is, those providers lucky enough to get a job with such a medical group/hospital complex are a rarity in the alternative medicine field. The jobs are rare, and the insiders are all referring their friends to get the insider-employee referral fees. There is no hiring based on experience, it is just new-age nepotism. Speaking from experience. Age discrimination is rampant in this system apparently as well. The MDs I spoke to 2 – 3 years ago were all retiring because the system was starving them out of business. Years of clinical experience are a noose on a resume.

Unpaid Demands of Insurance Carriers

How many plans are there? Unknown, but here is a single sheet of paper distributed that is supposed to be memorized by providers. Hilarious if it weren’t so obviously clear proof that the system is broken.

One online insurance billing and verification system list 7370 insurance payors. Seven Thousand Three Hundred Seventy. What if you personally had to know which to chose to get YOUR salary from? Crazy. No, insane. But that is the system. This list is just the first 50.

The fact is that suggesting any of the above, no matter how based in fact, puts a mark on my chest, a target on my back. Was this the reason I was taken off a Kaiser referral list, in spite of the fact that I was being paid 30% – 100% less than other contracted providers? This was sex discrimmination. And would Kaiser and any of the six executives there answer any questions I sent by certified mail about the reasons for the termination? No way.

Which is sad to me because I have provided excellent service to patients there for years. Numerous patients were very upset that they couldn’t get continued care with me and Kaiser refused to explain to me or them the reasons. They wrote letters on my behalf and Kaiser officials and employees refused to provide any response.

I have also been a member of Kaiser myself for years. Paying huge premiums that have paid for the salaries of executives and middle managers in the Outside Referrals Deparment. What do you think? Should I change to another plan during this time to change Covered California Plans?  Why did the following executives of Kaiser NEVER bother to respond to my letters? Pragya Wagle, Nicole Lipes, John Loftus MD, Deborah Gould MD, Lawrence Hamilton, Anita Zuniga RN, Millicent Brown Hunter RN.

“PEOPLE ABOVE PROFITS” is supposed to be the motto of Kaiser Permanente.  The actions of the leadership are wholly inconsistent with this philosophy in the way they have disregarded a very loyal consultant of 20 years.

 Tags: Pragya Wagle, Nicole Lipes, John Loftus MD, Deborah Gould MD, Lawrence Hamilton, Anita Zuniga RN, Millicent Brown Hunter RN.

Save Your Life: Get Your Multipure System Here

Save Your Life: Get Your Multipure System Here

Save Your Life: Get Your Multipure System Here

San Francisco schools found to have lead in water.
Oakland schools found to have lead in water.
Lead kills brain cells.
Don’t take a chance with your BRAIN. Filter your water

Save Your BRAIN and the BRAINS of your Children and Loved Ones: Get Your Multipure System Here




Safe Water Filtration

Water is essential for life. Safe water is essential to promote health. Contaminated water can damage health in so many ways. Thus, it is important to make sure that the water you drink is not contaminated. Safe water filtration is the key. No matter where you live. And now more than ever.

I know, you are saying that you have a water filter. I applaud you for making that decision. But is your water filter actually filtering out everything it should, or is the filtering just cosmetic? Quite likely it is failing, because most do not pass muster with NSF standards. In fact, Multipure is the only one that passes for a combination of more than 8 problem ingredients put together. And your water might have all 8 (or more) at once.

Do you live in a place that ever has major national disasters? Hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes? A safe water source is vital for emergencies. We even have those at multipure (  Multipure Independent Distributor ID: 432075

Winter is the WATER ELEMENT season in Chinese Medicine. So let’s look more in-depth into how to get your water really clean to promote excellent health.

Safe Water Treatment

Susan B. Koemen Donation Version of System

As you know, The Redwood Clinic has promoted the sale and use of Multipure filtration systems for more than 25 years. Because we believe they are doing what all filtration systems should do, and they are backed up by independent laboratory testing of contamination removal.

If you are a quick decision maker, just go to our online store and order your system now.


Are you a Safe Water Filtration GEEK? Here are the DETAILS!!

Multipure Drinking Water Systems utilize Multipure’s innovative and proprietary Solid Carbon Block-based filter. This filter employs multiple components and materials to reduce the presence of a wide variety of contaminants in water.

Mechanical Filtration: The water passes through a pre-filter that traps dirt, sand, and particles that affect the taste and overall appearance of the water. After passing through the pre-filter, the water then passes through the Solid Carbon Block, where particles as small as 0.5 microns are physically trapped by the filter. Asbestos, cysts, and particulates are reduced through mechanical filtration at the sub-micron level.

Electrokinetic Adsorption: The pre-filter acquires a positive molecular charge as water passes through it. Since most contaminants exhibit a negative charge in water, the filter fibers electrokinetically attract these negatively-charged particles onto the positively-charged filter surface. Generally, these particles are too small to be trapped by mechanical filtration.

Physiochemical Adsorption: The carbon block filter is a blend of selected activated carbons and other media that reduce aesthetic contaminants and health-related contaminants by adsorbing particles to its surface. Because the carbon block is densely compacted, it provides a longer contact time with the water, and thus, better performance than many other filtration technologies.

Nationally recognized standards established for the drinking water treatment industry confirm that the most effective systems for the removal of both aesthetic and harmful contaminants are those that utilize Solid Carbon Block filters. Multipure is the original developer of Solid Carbon Block technology and has been the leader and innovator in the water treatment industry since 1970. Multipure, and its remarkable Solid Carbon Block filter, is synonymous with superior quality and exceptional innovation. With a Multipure Drinking Water System, you are guaranteed the best.

Multipure Independent Distributor ID: 432075

Adsorption vs. Absorption

Multipure filtration utilizes a process called adsorption. Adsorption differs from the more commonly known absorption; adsorption refers to the transfer of the particles of a gas, liquid, or dissolved solid onto a surface, while absorption refers to the incorporation of a solid, liquid or gas into another solid, liquid, or gas.

The Multipure filter uses adsorption to transfer contaminants onto the filter’s surface and remove it from the water stream. The water itself is temporarily absorbed by the filter material (much like a sponge absorbing water), but the contaminants are adsorbed to the filter surface, creating a layer on the surface as it is removed from the water stream.

Multipure Drinking Water Systems
The innovative Multipure design is certified, registered, and/or listed by:

•  NSF International
•  All states that regulate drinking water treatment devices
o  California Department of Health Services
o  Iowa Department of Public Health
o  State of Wisconsin – Bureau of Building Water Systems, Research & Products Review Unit


Maximize Your Brain Health and Avoid Dementia

Maximize Your Brain Health and Avoid Dementia

Brain Health is number one for health in general.  And brain health is vital for controlling and regulating all specifics of health.  After all, it is your brain that is reading this right now!

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

Alzheimer’s and Dementia: Alma Via of San Rafael Benefit Talk for Alzheimer’s Association Part 1 – Part 3

Alma Via of San Rafael and Shirley McElhatten sponsored a benefit talk for the Alzheimer’s Association on Wednesday August 30, 2017. They invited Dr. Jay to speak about how to Maximize your BRAIN HEALTH based on his clinical experience, two bestselling books, and more than 20 appearances on local TV in his mission to prevent a million cases of Alzheimer’s and dementia. The lively and engaged attendees, as well as the amazingly beautiful and delicious buffet by the chef of Alma Via, made for a very successful event. You can still make donations to the Alzheimer’s Association through Alma Via of San Rafael – donator’s received a copy of one (or both) of Dr. Jay’s books on the brain and dementia. and Information about Alma Via of San Rafael is found at and by contacting Shirley at 415.491.1900 ext. 602.
Dr. Jay can be reached at

Maximize Your Brain Health and Avoid Dementia

Maximize Your Brain Health and Avoid Dementia

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

Maximize Your Brain Health and Avoid Dementia

How your brain works in this respect is discussed also in Dr. Jay’s books related to helping you save your brain. They can be obtained here:

Maximize Your Brain Health

Acupuncture Expert in Portland Oregon

To order either of the bestselling books by Dr. Jay Sordean, go to:   and

For information about brain evaluation and treatments, and Dr. Jay’s “B.R.A.I.N. H.E.A.L.T.H. Program” go to

There are many resources Dr. Jay and The Redwood Clinic have to offer you for improving brain health and brain wealth.  These include the podcast interviews at where many of the interviews are related to brain health, how to avoid ending up in memory care communities, and the cost of brain degeneration to individuals and communities alike.

Acupuncture Benefits Insurance Coverage

Acupuncture Benefits Insurance Coverage

[Editor’s Note: While Positivity is the Usual Tone for this blog, this article is addressing a more serious trend and so is not upbeat]

Typical Medical Insurance Policy restrictions regarding Acupuncture Benefit and Reimbursement

You are all excited that you found out your insurance plan has acupuncture coverage. You think, “wow, it says I am entitled to 12 visits a year. Or 20 visits a year.” And you are thinking “I am entitled to getting each and every one of them and it is the doctor’s duty to do that for me.”
You are also perhaps feeling that the providers on the list are super happy that they get to work with you because you have insurance.

Well, providers are usually happy to be able to help you with their skills and art. That is for sure.
But in many cases, for the provider, the insurance part of it is not the warm and fuzzy feeling you have.

Why would that be? Please continue reading to the end to better understand why.

When you are not paying their usual and customary fees, in other words, if you are not paying full cash rate out of pocket, there are some things you should seriously consider to make the professional relationship work.

Acupuncture Benefits Insurance CoverageThe elephant in the room, your insurance plan, will always have either a good or bad effect. So it is incumbent upon you to understand the system that is the intermediary in this business transaction.

Think about it. You go in to buy groceries. You pick up what you want. You go to the cashier. You pay out of pocket and you get the groceries. Did the store have to bill a third party to get paid?

Or you go to a financial planner for advice. You go in, you pay in cash, check, credit card, etc., you sit down and talk. You get the advice. You pay then and the financial planner gets paid then. No insurance involved as a middle man.

Let’s say you work at a coffee place. You are a barista. You get paid hourly or as a salary. People come in, order, pay (maybe sometimes with a discount card or coupon), you make what they want, they leave with what they bought. No insurance involved in the middle of that transaction. And you don’t have to bill some intermediary, like and insurance company, to get your pay check.

But that isn’t the way it is for the solo or group medical professional who has agreed to help patients by accepting their medical insurance. It is a totally different situation. You should understand it, especially if you want a good relationship with your provider and if you are thinking of going into that profession as well.

<h2>Acupuncture Benefits Insurance Coverage Basics</h2>

You have a contract (medical insurance) that says the insurance company will pay for some of your treatments in particular situations. This is called a “benefit.” “Benefits” are always limited in scope.

Eligibility means that you can access your plan because you (or someone else) paid your policy premium, so the medical insurance contract is in effect.

You have asked your possible provider to accept insurance payments. Typically that means that you want the provider to be satisfied with the amount that you pay with your copay and the part that the insurance company pays in addition.

So the provider (or paid staff) has to spend time and money to find out two things first. Your eligibility. And if you are eligible, do you have the (examination, evaluation, treatment) benefit?

Now, even if you are eligible and have, say, acupuncture, benefits, that doesn’t mean that your condition is one that the insurance plan agrees can be helped or treated with acupuncture.
This is an area of confusion for most patients.

Once again, just because you have the benefit it doesn’t guarantee that the provider will be paid. It doesn’t mean that the benefit applies to your condition. ALL INSURANCE PLANS specify what types of conditions they think might be impacted by acupuncture, herbs, shiatsu, massage, cupping etc.

MOST plans restrict “relevancy” to certain musculoskeletal problems, chroinic pain, nausea with pregnancy, and perhaps a few other diagnostic categories.

When the provider treats you, he has to provide diagnostic codes on the bill. He has to provide procedure codes. These two together relate to whether the benefit will be paid or not. If the insurance plan decides that they don’t want to pay for a particular benefit because they don’t like that diagnostic code, the provider will not be paid by the insurance company.

And don’t ask the provider to lie about the diagnosis just so you don’t have to pay.  That is jeopardizing the provider’s license.

The provider if under contract, might then be able to send you the bill because they can bill you for anything the insurance plan won’t pay for. Other times, the insurance plan will tell the provider “tough luck. We won’t pay you and you can’t bill the patient.”

How fair is that? Not fair at all, I would propose.

Especially, when the time and cost of dealing with insurance plans is so severe for providers.
1. They have to spend time verifying eligibility and benefits. That could take as much as 1 hour or more. And then there still is no guarantee that the information will be correct.
2. They have to spend time making appointments, corresponding with the patients, actually examining and treating the patients, collecting co-payments, and then billing the insurance company for the balance.
3. Automation hasn’t really made much of a difference in this time issue, especially when the insurance company denies payment.
4. Knowing how to deal with the insurance system itself is a MAJOR expenditure of time and money. The insurance companies don’t ever pay providers for this time required to learn the system and keep up on all of the alerts and newsletters related to changes in the system and contracts.
5. On top of it all, insurance companies, with a few exceptions, have slashed reimbursement rates to participating providers. In most cases it is a 50 -90% reduction in their fee schedule.
6. And then there is the paperwork requirements imposed. Of course, again, no compensation for any of that given to the provider.

How are Acuncturists Paid:   Independent providers aren’t given a salary. They aren’t provided an hourly wage. They have overhead and business expenses that they have to pay before they can take payment for their own expertise and work out of the small amount of money the insurance company gives them for their professional expertise.

 It is likely that your insurance doesn’t even cover the cost of overhead if your doctor bills the insurance company directly.  Some insurances do, most don’t.

Please keep this in mind when you call and ask a provider to make an appointment with you when you have a PPO plan. If the tables were turned, is it you who is doing the favor or the provider doing you the favor?

Granted, there are a few insurance plans that are not stealing from the providers. But there are many more plans that claim that they pay for the treatment, but don’t.  In fact, often the patient pays way more in a copay than the insurance company itself pays.

And YOUR plan might be one of those.  Hopefully, not.  But if it is, extra consideration for your provider might just be just what the doctor ordered.

Functional Medicine: What it is and Why do you want it?

Functional Medicine: What it is and Why do you want it?

Functional Medicine: Just exactly what is it? How is it different from conventional medicine? Why Functional Medicinemight you want to work with a functional medicine practitioner like Jay Sordean? This video explains it in full detail as Dr. Jay narrates and describes some of the distinguishing characteristics of this and how it differs from conventional medicine.

Dr. Jay has been studying and practicing functional medicine for the past 30 years. Learn about this medicine, focused on functional capacity in the body, in ways you may never have thought about it.

Additional resources can be heard at

Learn about how the functioning of the body degenerates and how that leads to malfunction, disease, and THEN symptoms.



Water is an important part of your body’s functioning.  What happens to your function when your water is toxic?  Click on this link to learn more:

Stress, trauma and toxicity are 3 of the most important causes of degenerating health.  These each lead to decreased vitality and organ function, increasing inflammation and causing the body to have to work harder to repair damaged tissues.  Call the office at 510-849-1176 to find out what we can do to help you regain your health.


Natural Solutions with Dr. Jay – New Posts

Natural Solutions with Dr. Jay – New Posts

There are several new posts at our podcasting blog, Natural Solutions with Dr. Jay. Please go there and check them out!

A recent post about Active for Alzheimers is both a podcast and video.

Hyperactivity & Attention Deficit Disorder: Do We Have Options?

Hyperactivity & Attention Deficit Disorder: Do We Have Options?

Guest Author: Ronald Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O.,D.A.C.B.N., MS

Attention-deficit disorder affects a startling 17 million people and seems to be gaining ground every year.

As a parent of child suffering with this disorder.. what are you to do?? Attention-deficit disorder is the most frequently diagnosed childhood psychiatric condition in America. In the past most medical journals described this disorder as minimal brain damage, hyperactive child syndrome & minimal cerebral dysfunction.

The common symptoms include brief attention span, poor concentration, difficulty keeping track of things, making careless mistakes, impatience, difficulty waiting or taking turns, blurting out answers when not asked, impulsiveness, hyperactivity, failure to finish things off, lack of perseverance & poor organizing. These characteristics are frequently associated with difficulties in school, in both learning and behavior. Task that require concentration are nearly impossible causing frustration, irritability, agitation and often recklessness.

There are three types of ADHD: Inattentive, predominately hyperactivity and combined type. Girls are more prevalent to exhibit the symptom of inattentiveness, whereby boys tend to be more hyperactive. As a child with undiagnosed ADHD becomes a teenager, he/she may become involved in drugs and crime and will commonly drop out of school. In adulthood the predominant features are failure to complete tasks, disorganization, difficulty paying attention and difficulty beginning tasks.

Conventional Medical Treatment

The conventional medical treatment for ADHD is almost always pharmaceutical drugs such as methylphenidate (Ritalin) or or the amphetamine Adderall. A review in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry notes that two antidepressants — bupropion and venlafaxine — are now being used as an alternative. “Talk therapy” is often recommended in conjunction with prescription medication for ADHD.

Alternative Medical Treatment:

The causes of ADHD are many and it would serve your child well for the parents to investigate the possible underlying factors that could very-well be causing the condition.

The Functional Medicine Approach looks at the triggers of ADHD. People with ADHD often have impaired digestion, environmental and food sensitivities, nutritional insufficiencies, heavy metal toxicities, fatty acid and amino acid imbalances, sensitivity to food additives and sucrose (sugar). Some studies indicate a possible genetic predisposition. Children with ADHD usually have histories of more ear infections (otitis media) than other children with learning problems.

It is unfortunate that many people who have children suffering with ADHD are not informed of all the options. I must agree that prescription medications such as Ritalin and Adderall can make a significant impact on the symptoms of ADHD. A child who once was inattentive is now focused and doing well in school. Who can ask for anything better?!! But, are you being told everything? What are the long-term health risk for your child?

Studies done on children taking Ritalin using a PET scan revealed that although the children had a reduction in their symptoms the PET scan was highly abnormal.

Most physicians are trained to treat ADHD with amphetamine-like drugs. But nutritionally oriented physicians have known for a long time that food allergy is a primary cause. The first major scientific study to show the link between food allergy and hyperactivity appeared in a 1985 issue of Lancet, a prestigious international medical journal. Dr. J. Egger, head of a pediatric university hospital in Munich, and Dr. J Soothill, London, England, studied the effect of food on 76 hyperactive children. 79% had clear improvement in their mental activity, emotions and behavior and 28 became completely normal. To prove their findings, the researchers reintroduced the allergenic foods to the children and their hyperactive symptoms returned.

The following have been linked to ADD:
•Food sensitivities
•Heavy metal toxicity especially lead has been linked to attention deficit and learning problems. Dr. H.L. Needlemen of the University of Pittsburgh Medical School has conducted scores of studies over the last 20 years clearly establishing the link between lead levels in children and specific hyperactive and attention deficit behavior traits. Follow-up studies indicate that these effects often persist into adulthood.
•Fatty acid deficiency
•Amino acid imbalances
•Methylation dysfunction
•Intestinal dysbiosis
•to name a few

Dr. Grisanti’s Comment:

I would have to say that I have not met a parent who did not want the best for their child. The parent who is struggling with what to do to help their child, faces a major dilemma. Should you medicate your child or take the road less traveled and identify the underlying cause of your child’s problem. Realize you have two sides of this sensitive issue. On one hand you have your family physician who insist that pharmaceutical drugs is the only way to go and offers no real alternative. And on the other hand, the volumes of medical research is quite over-whelming in favor of looking for the root cause(s) of your child’s condition.

Dr. Jay Sordean’s Comment:

Hyperactivity & Attention Deficit Disorder

Thank you to Dr. Grisanti for his well thought out and presented article. As a functional medicine professional, I am able to do these same evaluations and treatment strategies in my office. Please contact us at 510-849-1176 about setting up an appointment.

As a functional diagnostic medicine practitioner, I have studied functional medicine principles and practices with the top practitioners around the world. A leading curriculum on the subject is available to licensed professionals. The enrollment is at limited times, but if you don’t get in this time, you can reserve a spot for the future.

Fore information on Dr. Grisanti’s Program at the Functional Medicine University, click here.

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