Category Archives: CTE Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy

PTSD, CTE, and Pain Treatment for Veterans

PTSD, CTE, and Pain Treatment for Veterans

PTSD, CTE, and Pain Treatment for Veterans is a specialty service available at The Redwood Clinic and with Dr. Jay Sordean.  Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, and PAIN are major results of the activities of soldiers not only in battle but in training and even desk jobs.  With over 40 years clinical experience in treating these, Dr. Jay Sordean, LAc, OMD, QME has specialized skills that you will not find elsewhere.  Call the office today to find out if working together might be helpful. 510-849-1176.

PTSD, CTE, and Pain Treatment for Veterans

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PTSD, CTE, and Pain Treatment for Veterans

Dr. Jay Sordean’s bestselling book Super Brain: Maximize Your Brain Health for a Better Life is a great place to start to learn more about your brain and the unique approaches used to return your brain to optimal functioning.  Https://

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#VeteranswithPTSD  #PTSD  #CTE  #VeteransforPeace #LowBackPain

Are there Different “Types” of Alzheimer’s? We asked Dr. Dale Bredesen on the Functional Forum.#functionalforum #goevomed Dr. Dale Bred

Check out our website then call us at +1-510-849-1176
Looking for help after so many
 dead ends?  Try our Advanced
 Functional Medicine Approach

Are there Different “Types” of Alzheimer’s? We asked Dr. Dale Bredesen on the Functional Forum.
#functionalforum #goevomed Dr. Dale Bredesen

#TheRedwoodClinic #JaySordean For more information about functional medicine at The Redwood Clinic, go to

Unpaid Demands of Insurance Carriers

Unpaid Demands of Insurance Carriers

As someone who might have some insurance coverage that claims to “cover” acupuncture services, you might think that your provider is being reasonably compensated. In all but a minority of situations, “in-network” providers are paid very poorly. They are not paid for their expertise, for the time it takes to do a thorough diagnosis or evaluation, nor for the time they spend doing the treatment, for all the insurance verification and billing, for the accounting required, for their overhead, let alone anything left over for take-home.

Seriously, insurance plans and the third party administrators are making huge profits while providers are expected to go bankrupt for the sake of their patients and the insurance plans.

For example, start out with the contracts and policy manuals that the carriers and third party administrators expect providers to read, understand, and follow. Are they paid to review these? No. Are they paid to take the time to understand them? No. All of that is on their free time. No providers in the acupuncture world are on salary if they have to know all of this. And the number of acupuncturists on salary? Infinitesmaly few.

Unpaid Demands of Insurance Carriers

Here is a 4 page document listing only a small number of plans. This mailer is required reading for by providers.  It is just a drop in the bucket of the papers and documents that are supposed to be read by providers and their staff.

Please take the time to read it and understand it. How much time did it take you? How much should you be paid to have to do that? Please let me know.  Because providers get zip for doing so. And if they have staff, they have to pay them to take the time to read it.  Who pays for it?  Not the insurance company.

On the other hand, how much were the writers of this paid to create it? Mucho dinero. Believe me. It is the administrators, the JACO inspectors, the policy wonks, the CEOs who are making millions off of this. But the providers you rely on for help? NOTHING.

And the administrators will blame it all on regulations. Regulations that they created to obfuscate and then blame providers for not following.

Unpaid Demands of Insurance Carriers

And I bet that your insurance premiums are going up astronomically. My personal Kaiser policy is going up 21% this coming year. Is there any corresponding increase in fees paid for treatments done? Ha Ha Ha. The jokes on you if you think that independent providers get an extra cent from the increase.

No, the joke’s on the providers who accept the plan payments. Like The Redwood Clinic. SUCKERS!!!

Is there any increase for even increases in costs? Rather, the fees continue to be cut with more and more demands to do more for free.

Unpaid Demands of Insurance Carriers

Insurance carriers and third party administrators are laughing all the way to the bank. And providers are dropping like flies. That is why there are so few providers accepting insurance. MDs, unless they are part of a medical group associated with a hospital/insurance plan complex.

The truth is, those providers lucky enough to get a job with such a medical group/hospital complex are a rarity in the alternative medicine field. The jobs are rare, and the insiders are all referring their friends to get the insider-employee referral fees. There is no hiring based on experience, it is just new-age nepotism. Speaking from experience. Age discrimination is rampant in this system apparently as well. The MDs I spoke to 2 – 3 years ago were all retiring because the system was starving them out of business. Years of clinical experience are a noose on a resume.

Unpaid Demands of Insurance Carriers

How many plans are there? Unknown, but here is a single sheet of paper distributed that is supposed to be memorized by providers. Hilarious if it weren’t so obviously clear proof that the system is broken.

One online insurance billing and verification system list 7370 insurance payors. Seven Thousand Three Hundred Seventy. What if you personally had to know which to chose to get YOUR salary from? Crazy. No, insane. But that is the system. This list is just the first 50.

The fact is that suggesting any of the above, no matter how based in fact, puts a mark on my chest, a target on my back. Was this the reason I was taken off a Kaiser referral list, in spite of the fact that I was being paid 30% – 100% less than other contracted providers? This was sex discrimmination. And would Kaiser and any of the six executives there answer any questions I sent by certified mail about the reasons for the termination? No way.

Which is sad to me because I have provided excellent service to patients there for years. Numerous patients were very upset that they couldn’t get continued care with me and Kaiser refused to explain to me or them the reasons. They wrote letters on my behalf and Kaiser officials and employees refused to provide any response.

I have also been a member of Kaiser myself for years. Paying huge premiums that have paid for the salaries of executives and middle managers in the Outside Referrals Deparment. What do you think? Should I change to another plan during this time to change Covered California Plans?  Why did the following executives of Kaiser NEVER bother to respond to my letters? Pragya Wagle, Nicole Lipes, John Loftus MD, Deborah Gould MD, Lawrence Hamilton, Anita Zuniga RN, Millicent Brown Hunter RN.

“PEOPLE ABOVE PROFITS” is supposed to be the motto of Kaiser Permanente.  The actions of the leadership are wholly inconsistent with this philosophy in the way they have disregarded a very loyal consultant of 20 years.

 Tags: Pragya Wagle, Nicole Lipes, John Loftus MD, Deborah Gould MD, Lawrence Hamilton, Anita Zuniga RN, Millicent Brown Hunter RN.

Maximize Your Brain Health and Avoid Dementia

Maximize Your Brain Health and Avoid Dementia

Brain Health is number one for health in general.  And brain health is vital for controlling and regulating all specifics of health.  After all, it is your brain that is reading this right now!

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

Alzheimer’s and Dementia: Alma Via of San Rafael Benefit Talk for Alzheimer’s Association Part 1 – Part 3

Alma Via of San Rafael and Shirley McElhatten sponsored a benefit talk for the Alzheimer’s Association on Wednesday August 30, 2017. They invited Dr. Jay to speak about how to Maximize your BRAIN HEALTH based on his clinical experience, two bestselling books, and more than 20 appearances on local TV in his mission to prevent a million cases of Alzheimer’s and dementia. The lively and engaged attendees, as well as the amazingly beautiful and delicious buffet by the chef of Alma Via, made for a very successful event. You can still make donations to the Alzheimer’s Association through Alma Via of San Rafael – donator’s received a copy of one (or both) of Dr. Jay’s books on the brain and dementia. and Information about Alma Via of San Rafael is found at and by contacting Shirley at 415.491.1900 ext. 602.
Dr. Jay can be reached at

Maximize Your Brain Health and Avoid Dementia

Maximize Your Brain Health and Avoid Dementia

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

Maximize Your Brain Health and Avoid Dementia

How your brain works in this respect is discussed also in Dr. Jay’s books related to helping you save your brain. They can be obtained here:

Maximize Your Brain Health

Acupuncture Expert in Portland Oregon

To order either of the bestselling books by Dr. Jay Sordean, go to:   and

For information about brain evaluation and treatments, and Dr. Jay’s “B.R.A.I.N. H.E.A.L.T.H. Program” go to

There are many resources Dr. Jay and The Redwood Clinic have to offer you for improving brain health and brain wealth.  These include the podcast interviews at where many of the interviews are related to brain health, how to avoid ending up in memory care communities, and the cost of brain degeneration to individuals and communities alike.

Acupuncture Back Pain Berkeley San Francisco

Acupuncture Back Pain Berkeley San Francisco

Steve Kerr, Golden State Warriors basketball team coach, is sidelined due to back pain. Maybe he didn’t know about Acupuncture Back Pain Berkeley San Francisco at The Redwood Clinic. In the EAST BAY TIMES today Steve Kerr is quoted as saying “It’s just discomfort and pain and it’s no fun. And I can tell you if you’re listening out there, if you have a back problem stay away from back surgery.” Dr. Jay Sordean has been helping patients avoid back surgery with his comprehensive evaluations and treatments. This is based on more than 33 years clinical experience. In fact, many of his patient avoided surgery that was suggested more than 20 years ago. They are still going strong. Their testimonials are found in various places on this website.

Acupuncture Back Pain Berkeley San Francisco

What makes acupuncture for back pain so effective at The Redwood Clinic? First of all, it starts with a thorough history and examination. Many other offices and

Acupuncture Back Pain Berkeley San Francisco

Acupuncture Expert in Portland Oregon

insurance plans allow only enough time for a cursory review. And, many others do not have the expertise to evaluate back pain problems properly. Especially when the dictates of payment schedules give a doctor no more than a couple of minutes to do the exam. Sorry, but so much is missed with the simplistic exams many offices do because they lack the thorough training and expertise that Dr. Jay has. Sorry to be so blunt, but it is true. There are so many reasons for back pain to occur, and to simply say it is a “bladder meridian” problem is a short change and is almost as symbolic as simply labelling the back pain as “sciatica.” Dr. Jay goes into greater discussion on some of the major causes in his introduction to acupuncture and back pain lecture found on youtube.

B= Blood circulation enhancement to speed up healing
A=activate the body’s own natural pain chemicals like endorphens and enkephalins,
C=Controlling the inflammatory response
K= Kicking dependence on opioid medication use



PTSD and NRCT may have a strong connection. This is something I have been stating for years since I first became trained in NRCT.

PTSD stands for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. NRCT stands for Neurologic Relief Center Technique.

CTE - Chronic Traumatic EncephalopathyAn example of one of the causes of PTSD is participating in battles and war. Numerous soldiers return with PTSD and many of them take a long time to get a diagnosis because they are in denial or the military will not come up with the diagnosis of PTSD.

When I first learned of the concussion effects of explosions

Detoxification and Brain Care

Dr. Jay on Chicago TV

I immediately thought of the impact they would have on the meninges. The meninges surround the brain and the spinal cord and are the protective barrier surrounding them like a wet suit on a scuba diver. Explosion concussion waves effect the entire body — the meninges and the nervous system especially. However, all of the muscles and other organs are impacted as well. We are talking about an explosion that does not actually cause some bleeding or loss of limbs. Those, of course, are even more traumatic.

There is a discussion of PTSD and war this week on PBS.

WAR on the BRAIN a series on Public Broadcasting System. You can learn more about that series by going to this link.

I have discussed meningeal compression and NRCT extensively in my two books on the brain. These are also discussed on pages in this website.

Upper Extremity Pain and Numbness: NRCT Treatment at Berkeley Acupuncture, Jay Sordean

Dr. Jay’s Winter Season talk at EBAR BNI: Stress Trauma Toxicity: Acupuncture/NRCT in Berkeley

NRCT – Neurologic Relief Center Technique

Post Concussion Syndrome / Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE)

NRCT-FAQs Neurologic Relief Center Technique Facts

Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Health

Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Health

Omega-3 fatty acids are just one kind of fat. There are many (thousands, actually) types of fats. There are many ways that fats are analyzed chemically and classified by biochemists and nutritionists.

Research tells us that different fats either help or hurt your health and body functioning.

For example, rancid fats and trans fats are not good for your body.

We all need fats in our diet to live and flourish. Fats are one of the 3 primary food components, with the other two being proteins and carbohydrates. But you already know that.

The last 10 or so years the fish oils (deep sea) has received a resurgence of attention and popularity in the healthy eating literature and movement.   Part of this is based on the antiinflammatory properties some of the fish oil components have.  The cardiovascular risk reducing effects of Omega-3 fatty acids has become well know.  Largely due to the fact that a leading cause of death in the US is heart attacks and strokes.

You might already be taking omega-3 fatty acids as a supplement or eating portions of fish like salmon more frequently based on this information.

NOT ALL OMEGA-3 SUPPLEMENTS ARE THE SAME.  Not all of them are healthy.  Please watch the video attached to this blog post to learn cutting-edge (and advanced basic) knowledge relevant to optimizing your health.

My purpose is to help as many people as possible to optimize their health so they can fulfill their purposes in life.  We offer this video in that spirit.

Call us at The Redwood Clinic +1-510-849-1176 to order supplements mentioned in the video.

We have numerous other videos at this website and online that complement the content in this video.

Our podcast is also a great way to learn about caring for your health.


Functional Medicine: What it is and Why do you want it?

Functional Medicine: What it is and Why do you want it?

Functional Medicine: Just exactly what is it? How is it different from conventional medicine? Why Functional Medicinemight you want to work with a functional medicine practitioner like Jay Sordean? This video explains it in full detail as Dr. Jay narrates and describes some of the distinguishing characteristics of this and how it differs from conventional medicine.

Dr. Jay has been studying and practicing functional medicine for the past 30 years. Learn about this medicine, focused on functional capacity in the body, in ways you may never have thought about it.

Additional resources can be heard at

Learn about how the functioning of the body degenerates and how that leads to malfunction, disease, and THEN symptoms.



Water is an important part of your body’s functioning.  What happens to your function when your water is toxic?  Click on this link to learn more:

Stress, trauma and toxicity are 3 of the most important causes of degenerating health.  These each lead to decreased vitality and organ function, increasing inflammation and causing the body to have to work harder to repair damaged tissues.  Call the office at 510-849-1176 to find out what we can do to help you regain your health.


Natural Solutions with Dr. Jay – New Posts

Natural Solutions with Dr. Jay – New Posts

There are several new posts at our podcasting blog, Natural Solutions with Dr. Jay. Please go there and check them out!

A recent post about Active for Alzheimers is both a podcast and video.