Category Archives: Brain Balance

Hemoglobin A1c and Your Brain Shrinkage – Diabetes Connection

Hemoglobin A1c and Your Brain Shrinkage – Diabetes Connection

Hemoglobin A1c is a marker in your blood stream used to detect blood sugar health or disease. You may know of it in connection with diagnosis and monitoring of diabetes or other blood sugar diseases and imbalances. A low A1c is healthy; too high, and it tells us that your blood sugar has been too high for too long. This means there is high potential for malfunction of many parts of your body.  And as you know, that’s NOT GOOD.

Hemoglobin A1c

Dr. Jay Speaking on News about Brain Health and Diabetes

When blood sugar is too high, indicated by a high hemoglobin A1c, many other proteins traveling in your blood stream can get coated with sugar. In technical terms this is called glycation. These “sticky” proteins then cause problems. Kinda like dirt in the oil of your car engine, or mud mixed with the grease on your bicycle chain. The parts of your body that should work for a long time wear out more quickly.

The parts of your body that are harmed by high sugar includes your brain cells. This is what I have called “crusty brain syndrome” in my tv appearances regarding how to prevent Alzheimer’s.   This is why I have emphasized the need to address your blood sugar and diabetes early on.

Hemoglobin A1C and brain healthLucky for you, we do have ways to help you through nutrition, proper supplementation, and good dietary and exercise habits. Two medical foods that can help you start are available though our natural medicine clinic’s online stores.  Look below for the details and links to get started today.

BUYER BEWARE: There are alot of fake products on the market. Rip offs. On the other hand, at The Redwood clinic we only source the best products by the best and most reliable manufacturers. Products that have clinical testing. SO, BEWARE and TAKE NOTE: Click only on the links at the bottom to order. That way you can be sure that the product you buy is not a fake knock-off by some online scam artists.  I believe that you want to be sure that what you are putting in your body is good for your body and not some look-alike or expired product. Any lack of effectiveness is most likely due to a bogus product and your not getting professional guidance at The Redwood Clinic. We do a thorough analysis to help guide you in the right direction. Call to set up an appointment +1-510-849-1176.

Did I just make up this information about Hemoglobin A1c?   No.

Hemoglobin A1c and Your Brain Shrinkage – Diabetes Connection

Kaiser Foundation Research Center found that the higher the sugar levels in the body the smaller the brain becomes.

Now there is another landmark study published in the journal Neurology. The researchers documented that elevated hemoglobin A1C is associated with changes in brain size.  This is what I have been preaching to my patients for decades.

The Neurology study showed researchers looking at MRIs to determine which lab test correlated best with brain atrophy and found that the hemoglobin A1C demonstrated the most powerful relationship.

They commented, “when comparing the degree of brain tissue loss in those individuals with the lowest hemoglobin A1C (4.4 to 5.2) to those having the highest hemoglobin A1C (5.9 to 9.0), the brain loss in those individuals with the highest hemoglobin A1C was almost doubled during a six-year period.

So, once again, we see that blood sugar has important implications for your brain health. Anyone who has been around a diabetic whose blood sugar levels are not controlled knows what I mean. Often they are mentally “out of it.” The excess sugarized-proteins damage brain cells and cause massive inflammation. This inflammation damages the retinas of the eyes, Hemoglobin A1Ccausing blindness. The inflammation damages the kidneys, causing renal failure and the need for dialysis.

Is Your Brain Shrinking? Time to seriously think about brain health and blood sugar balance. If your A1C is high it is time to give us a call and set up an appointment to see how to turn that around naturally. +1-510-849-1176

LINKS to supplements that might help rebalance blood sugar (in combination with other healthy life-style eating and exercise)  1. Prediabetics and diabetics:  Wellness Essentials Health Balance OR UltraGlucoseControl 30 day.  Order at (Open an account with a discount, call The Redwood Clinic to register as a patient and get the discount  code 510-849-1176)  2.  Another, OptiMetaboliX 2:1, can be obtained online by calling The Redwood Clinic to become a registered patient and get the code to order this supplements.)


C. Enzinger, et al., “Risk Factors for Progression of Brain Atrophy in Aging: Six-year Follow-up of Normal Subjects,” Neurology 64, no. 10 (May 24, 2005): 1704-11.The Journal

Ronald Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O., D.A.C.B.N., M.S.

Functional Medicine University:  Want to study functional medicine at a fantastic distance-learning organization? CLICK HERE to sign up or to get on the waiting list

Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Health

Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Health

Omega-3 fatty acids are just one kind of fat. There are many (thousands, actually) types of fats. There are many ways that fats are analyzed chemically and classified by biochemists and nutritionists.

Research tells us that different fats either help or hurt your health and body functioning.

For example, rancid fats and trans fats are not good for your body.

We all need fats in our diet to live and flourish. Fats are one of the 3 primary food components, with the other two being proteins and carbohydrates. But you already know that.

The last 10 or so years the fish oils (deep sea) has received a resurgence of attention and popularity in the healthy eating literature and movement.   Part of this is based on the antiinflammatory properties some of the fish oil components have.  The cardiovascular risk reducing effects of Omega-3 fatty acids has become well know.  Largely due to the fact that a leading cause of death in the US is heart attacks and strokes.

You might already be taking omega-3 fatty acids as a supplement or eating portions of fish like salmon more frequently based on this information.

NOT ALL OMEGA-3 SUPPLEMENTS ARE THE SAME.  Not all of them are healthy.  Please watch the video attached to this blog post to learn cutting-edge (and advanced basic) knowledge relevant to optimizing your health.

My purpose is to help as many people as possible to optimize their health so they can fulfill their purposes in life.  We offer this video in that spirit.

Call us at The Redwood Clinic +1-510-849-1176 to order supplements mentioned in the video.

We have numerous other videos at this website and online that complement the content in this video.

Our podcast is also a great way to learn about caring for your health.


ALS and neurologic relief center technique — a new approach

ALS and Neurologic Relief Center Technique — A new Approach

ALS is short for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, named after the famous athlete. This debilitating disease causes the nerves to the muscles to atrophy, thus the muscles atrophy. Dr. Jay has worked with several patients with ALS but that was before he started using NRCT. Now there is some anecdotal evidence that ALS might respond to NRCT in combination with other functional medicine approachs that Dr. Jay uses at The Redwood Clinic for the functional medicine patients.

Read this story from another NRCT clinic. Then call The Redwood Clinic should it sound familiar.

NRCT Results with an ALS patient

Note: While this is a testimonial from the office of another practitioner, Dr. Kevin Saiz, the methods used are the same as I use in my office but without using the NRCT chiropractic adjustment, rather the vector process. I am excited that we are doing so much to help so many people, even those with ALS.

ALS and NRCT Berkeley AcupuntureHello, my name is Megan and I am 36 years old. I’m writing to share my experience with the NRC Technique thus far. My situation is unique because I have ALS. I was diagnosed in October 2015. My symptoms started about two and half years ago when my right hand seemed to just stop working. I had carpel tunnel surgery, cubital tunnel surgery, and later radial tunnel surgery. These procedures helped but I never regained function like I should have. Shortly after the last surgery my left hand started to weaken as well. This time I requested the surgeon have a different neurologist evaluate me. It was during the next EMG by a new and more competent neurologist that it became clear there was something more seriously wrong with me. After several more EMGs, a complete physical examination by yet another neurologist, a muscle biopsy, and bloodwork to exclude alternate causes, I received the diagnosis of ALS. This diagnosis was confirmed by the Professor of Neurology at Baylor College of Medicine seven days later. Of course, I was told no real treatments exist.

When I came to see Dr. Saiz a few weeks ago it was not for ALS but for a painful shoulder. He immediately started to tell me about the NRC Technique he had learned and how he would like to try it on me. I figured I had nothing to lose so we got started on the test. I don’t recall anything remarkable happening during the test but when it was over I was able to move my right arm about four inches further behind my back that I could when I walked in the door. I also had an unexplainable ear to ear grin. That was enough to get me interested.

A couple days later, he performed the first adjustment. My feet flew about a foot up off of the exam table! I have had plenty of chiropractic adjustments and this has never ever happened before. When I left that day my right bicep was tingling with a pins-and¬needles feeling for about five minutes. A few times this sensation darted down to my right thumb (which is mainJy decorative at this point). But the really interesting thing occurred that evening. When I went to get out of the bathtub that night, I got my feet under me and … I stood up! This is significant because I have not been able to get up from a squat for 6 to 9 months. My newfound ability didn’t last long. I think it was gone by the next day. However, by the end of that week’s adjustments I was able to stand up from a squatting position for about three days following the last adjustment.

I am now eight adjustments into this process. The ability to get up from a squat is my most obvious marker of improvement. I am trying to find other functions/movements and evaluate if they are improving as well. Yesterday, I thought to see if I could stand on one leg. I could! I can balance on the other leg as well. For many months now, whenever I’m getting dressed I have made sure to lean against the bed because my balance was not predictable. I have also noticed that my walking, my gait, is more natural after a NRCT adjustment. Before the adjustments, I could still walk but it always felt awkward. Each step didn’t feel strong and sometimes it felt like my feet were flapping when they hit the ground. I had to ‘think’ about walking. Yesterday, however, I walked about three-quarter of a mile with my family and then showed off to my neighbor how I could balance on each leg!

To be completely honest, I have also been seeing a naturopathic doctor who ‘prescribed’ dietary changes and homeopathic remedies. While these changes greatly improved my energy and sense of well-being, they were not having any effect on my function. In fact, my function seemed to be very slowly slipping. But it is pretty hard to argue with the clear results that I have received from the NRCT adjustments. I’m very hopeful to see what else will come as I continue these treatments. Will these adjustments work for other ALS patients? Who knows … ? But it would be nice to find out.

Megan M.”


Functional Medicine: What it is and Why do you want it?

Functional Medicine: What it is and Why do you want it?

Functional Medicine: Just exactly what is it? How is it different from conventional medicine? Why Functional Medicinemight you want to work with a functional medicine practitioner like Jay Sordean? This video explains it in full detail as Dr. Jay narrates and describes some of the distinguishing characteristics of this and how it differs from conventional medicine.

Dr. Jay has been studying and practicing functional medicine for the past 30 years. Learn about this medicine, focused on functional capacity in the body, in ways you may never have thought about it.

Additional resources can be heard at

Learn about how the functioning of the body degenerates and how that leads to malfunction, disease, and THEN symptoms.



Water is an important part of your body’s functioning.  What happens to your function when your water is toxic?  Click on this link to learn more:

Stress, trauma and toxicity are 3 of the most important causes of degenerating health.  These each lead to decreased vitality and organ function, increasing inflammation and causing the body to have to work harder to repair damaged tissues.  Call the office at 510-849-1176 to find out what we can do to help you regain your health.


Active for Alzheimer’s Co-Chairs: Marie Balfour and Tierney Henderson

Marie and Tierney AFA

Marie Balfour and Tierney Henderson

Active for Alzheimer’s Tierney Henderson and Marie Balfour Interview with Dr. Jay Sordean

Active for Alzheimer’s is a new group to Dr. Jay Sordean. So go and listen to this new podcast (and video as well) at Here he interviews two UC Berkeley student leaders of Active for Alzheimer’s.

Dr. Jay speaks with co-chairs Tierney Henderson and Marie Balfour about their group’s important volunteer activities on and off campus. UC Berkeley student club Active for Alzheimer’s (a chapter of The Youth Movement Against Alzheimer’s) is led by co-chairs, Tierney Henderson and Marie Balfour. With both personal and academic experience with Alzheimer’s disease, they realize that most young people have difficulty understanding and connecting with diseases that primarily affect the elderly. In this interview, they detail their club’s efforts to bridge this cognitive gap by connecting UC Berkeley students with opportunities to learn about and work toward the Alzheimer’s cause. They are currently raising funds for an undergraduate scholarship fund for Alzheimer’s research labs, as they hope to incentivize more talented young people to enter research careers in Alzheimer’s. You can donate to this worthy cause at

On a personal note, Dr. Jay was struck by the fact that both UC Berkeley students are passionate about helping spread the word to youth about the seriousness of Alzheimer’s and how research support and training needs to start at the undergraduate level. He wants to support their efforts as they have created a scholarship fund to support this; you can donate to this worthy cause at This is in alignment with his mission to help prevent a million cases of Alzheimer’s.

Active for Alzheimer’s at Berkeley Information

You can learn about their group, “Active for Alzheimer’s at Berkeley” at .

Please share this blog with everyone you know who has an interest in Alzheimer’s.

Natural Solutions with Dr. Jay – New Posts

Natural Solutions with Dr. Jay – New Posts

There are several new posts at our podcasting blog, Natural Solutions with Dr. Jay. Please go there and check them out!

A recent post about Active for Alzheimers is both a podcast and video.

Hyperactivity & Attention Deficit Disorder: Do We Have Options?

Hyperactivity & Attention Deficit Disorder: Do We Have Options?

Guest Author: Ronald Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O.,D.A.C.B.N., MS

Attention-deficit disorder affects a startling 17 million people and seems to be gaining ground every year.

As a parent of child suffering with this disorder.. what are you to do?? Attention-deficit disorder is the most frequently diagnosed childhood psychiatric condition in America. In the past most medical journals described this disorder as minimal brain damage, hyperactive child syndrome & minimal cerebral dysfunction.

The common symptoms include brief attention span, poor concentration, difficulty keeping track of things, making careless mistakes, impatience, difficulty waiting or taking turns, blurting out answers when not asked, impulsiveness, hyperactivity, failure to finish things off, lack of perseverance & poor organizing. These characteristics are frequently associated with difficulties in school, in both learning and behavior. Task that require concentration are nearly impossible causing frustration, irritability, agitation and often recklessness.

There are three types of ADHD: Inattentive, predominately hyperactivity and combined type. Girls are more prevalent to exhibit the symptom of inattentiveness, whereby boys tend to be more hyperactive. As a child with undiagnosed ADHD becomes a teenager, he/she may become involved in drugs and crime and will commonly drop out of school. In adulthood the predominant features are failure to complete tasks, disorganization, difficulty paying attention and difficulty beginning tasks.

Conventional Medical Treatment

The conventional medical treatment for ADHD is almost always pharmaceutical drugs such as methylphenidate (Ritalin) or or the amphetamine Adderall. A review in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry notes that two antidepressants — bupropion and venlafaxine — are now being used as an alternative. “Talk therapy” is often recommended in conjunction with prescription medication for ADHD.

Alternative Medical Treatment:

The causes of ADHD are many and it would serve your child well for the parents to investigate the possible underlying factors that could very-well be causing the condition.

The Functional Medicine Approach looks at the triggers of ADHD. People with ADHD often have impaired digestion, environmental and food sensitivities, nutritional insufficiencies, heavy metal toxicities, fatty acid and amino acid imbalances, sensitivity to food additives and sucrose (sugar). Some studies indicate a possible genetic predisposition. Children with ADHD usually have histories of more ear infections (otitis media) than other children with learning problems.

It is unfortunate that many people who have children suffering with ADHD are not informed of all the options. I must agree that prescription medications such as Ritalin and Adderall can make a significant impact on the symptoms of ADHD. A child who once was inattentive is now focused and doing well in school. Who can ask for anything better?!! But, are you being told everything? What are the long-term health risk for your child?

Studies done on children taking Ritalin using a PET scan revealed that although the children had a reduction in their symptoms the PET scan was highly abnormal.

Most physicians are trained to treat ADHD with amphetamine-like drugs. But nutritionally oriented physicians have known for a long time that food allergy is a primary cause. The first major scientific study to show the link between food allergy and hyperactivity appeared in a 1985 issue of Lancet, a prestigious international medical journal. Dr. J. Egger, head of a pediatric university hospital in Munich, and Dr. J Soothill, London, England, studied the effect of food on 76 hyperactive children. 79% had clear improvement in their mental activity, emotions and behavior and 28 became completely normal. To prove their findings, the researchers reintroduced the allergenic foods to the children and their hyperactive symptoms returned.

The following have been linked to ADD:
•Food sensitivities
•Heavy metal toxicity especially lead has been linked to attention deficit and learning problems. Dr. H.L. Needlemen of the University of Pittsburgh Medical School has conducted scores of studies over the last 20 years clearly establishing the link between lead levels in children and specific hyperactive and attention deficit behavior traits. Follow-up studies indicate that these effects often persist into adulthood.
•Fatty acid deficiency
•Amino acid imbalances
•Methylation dysfunction
•Intestinal dysbiosis
•to name a few

Dr. Grisanti’s Comment:

I would have to say that I have not met a parent who did not want the best for their child. The parent who is struggling with what to do to help their child, faces a major dilemma. Should you medicate your child or take the road less traveled and identify the underlying cause of your child’s problem. Realize you have two sides of this sensitive issue. On one hand you have your family physician who insist that pharmaceutical drugs is the only way to go and offers no real alternative. And on the other hand, the volumes of medical research is quite over-whelming in favor of looking for the root cause(s) of your child’s condition.

Dr. Jay Sordean’s Comment:

Hyperactivity & Attention Deficit Disorder

Thank you to Dr. Grisanti for his well thought out and presented article. As a functional medicine professional, I am able to do these same evaluations and treatment strategies in my office. Please contact us at 510-849-1176 about setting up an appointment.

As a functional diagnostic medicine practitioner, I have studied functional medicine principles and practices with the top practitioners around the world. A leading curriculum on the subject is available to licensed professionals. The enrollment is at limited times, but if you don’t get in this time, you can reserve a spot for the future.

Fore information on Dr. Grisanti’s Program at the Functional Medicine University, click here.

The original of this article, used by permission, is found at:

CTE -Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy

CTE -Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy

CTE -Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy — is a disease of the brain. Of course, “Encephal” refers to the brain, “-opathy” means a disease.
In short, CTE -Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, is a damage to the brain that has occurred over a long period of time (chronic) due to multiple injuries to the head, skull, and rest of the body that the head is attached to. While there is a focus on the head and brain, it is often forgotten that the rest of the body (like the spinal cord, back, neck and shoulders) also are involved.

CTE -Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy and Alzheimer’s: A comparison

CTE - Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy

Note surgical scar on back of neck

A recent article from Scientific American has a nice review of CTE. It doesn’t talk about meningeal compression and torqueing, which is a flaw in the article. Nevertheless, it is a good article that I recommend you read if you want lots of details and comparisons to Alzheimer’s and dementia. In part, it
states, “The outward symptoms of CTE will sound familiar to anyone who has experience with Alzheimer’s disease: Memory problems, disorientation and difficulty concentrating are the earliest signs. As the condition progresses, people begin to show poor judgment, erratic behavior, significant memory loss and some degree of Parkinson’s disease (impaired speech, difficulty with motor skills, slow movement and a loss of balance). In its more advanced stages, tremors, full-blown Parkinsonism, a staggering gait, deafness and dementia mark CTE.”

Details about meningeal compression can be found in my two books; to order either of the bestselling books by Dr. Jay Sordean, go to: and
Or go directly and by at Amazon: Super Brain: and Outsmarting the Dementia Epidemic and


TAGS: NRCT, Neurologic Relief Center Technique, Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Memory Care, Memory Enhancement, Jay Sordean, Super Brain, Outsmarting the Dementia Epidemic, BRAIN HEALTH Program

#BRAINHEALTHTalk #Dementia #Alzheimers #NRCT #NRC #meningeal-compression #PeytonManning


BRAIN HEALTH TALKS in our community

BRAIN HEALTH TALKS in Lakeside Park and Berkeley Chinese Church

Dr. Jay’s BRAIN HEALTH talks have recently been well attended at Lakeside Park and Berkeley Chinese Church. The Berkeley Chinese Church talk was held Tuesday, March 1, 2016 in the morning. The title was “Maximize Your BRAIN HEALTH” and covered ways to enhance your brain health, why they work, and what you need to do to evaluate your current status and


Berkeley Chinese Church 1953

improve your brain health for a lifetime of clarity.

BRAIN HEALTH It is not simple — there are many parts to the puzzle, especially if your parent(s) and grandparent(s) died with dementia or Alzheimer’s. Genetics is a component but the environment has a large part in triggering the degenerative process. It is this “changeable” environment that we are addressing here.

BRAIN HEALTH Talk Resources

If you want to know what you missed by not attending the talks, please sign up for an encore webinar presentation here. Please share this link with family and friends as well — they need to know this as much as you do.

If you would like to hear INTERVIEWS that Dr. Jay Sordean did with other experts on brain health, please go to the podcast and look up these podcast interviews. You will learn many significant and fascinating things.

Brain ConsultationDr. Jay’s two bestselling books are also great ways to learn about dementia, Alzheimer’s, and how to avoid them. To order either of the bestselling books by Dr. Jay Sordean, go to: and
Or go directly and by at Amazon: Super Brain: and Outsmarting the Dementia Epidemic and


TAGS: NRCT, Neurologic Relief Center Technique, Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Memory Care, Memory Enhancement, Marcia Peoples, Anne Sanabria, Jay Sordean, Super Brain, Outsmarting the Dementia Epidemic, BRAIN HEALTH Program, Lakeside Park

#LakesidePark #BRAINHEALTHTalk  #BerkeleyChineseChurch #Alzheimers

Sather Health Lecture Part 10:”Language of Healting(tm)” Qi and Blood 2 26 14

Sather Health Lecture

Dr. Jay Sordean was an invited guest speaker at the University of California at Berkeley at their Sather Health Lecture Series.  In this segment of the talk Dr. Jay Sordean has Esther Slaman walk the Cal Students through the way that we explain to patients how Function, malfunction, disease and symptoms all fit together.