Do you ever read newspapers? Or the independent newspaper call EPOCH TIMES?
I know, FACEBOOK is supposedly purging “fake news” and you might be thinking that EPOCH TIMES is fake news. Well, not so far as I can tell.
The most recent paper (yes, made of real paper!, from a box on the street) edition (November 24-30, 2016; Northern California Edition) has a picture of Donald Trump in the Oval Office behind the desk.
At first I thought maybe this was a past cover from THE ONION. But no, just a projection (photo-shopped) into the future. Not fake news. Not even with a satirical spin like my much-beloved THE ONION so masterfully created.
Thus, after the front page photo, what really caught my attention was the article title, “–THE FORMATION OF– TEAM TRUMP.” And then the lead in to the story.
Why did it catch my attention? Because what it said was what I was predicting over a year ago.
When I first started studying the presidential candidates from the perspective of B.A.N.K. code personality (behavior and values) typing, what I saw was
so obvious to me that I was motivated to write a whole book about it. CODE BLUE IN THE WHITE HOUSE: What Successful Presidents Sell Voters to Win Elections.
Chapters 7 to 9 delve into this B.A.N.K. Code personality and character stuff in depth. Please buy the book and read the details.
The gist of it is that everyone saw (and still sees) the essence of Donald Trump as being an almost purely ACTION type. All about Image, Fun, Winning, Competition.
Act first, think later.
He had a certain “charisma” or at least “attention grabbing” style. But without the balancing characteristics that create substance, details, programs, action plans. Not like the BLUEPRINT and KNOWLEDGE types. And none of the “let me be of service to others” exemplified by the NURTURING type.
Now, in contrast, Hillary Clinton was more the BLUEPRINT and KNOWLEDGE TYPE according to most people. More about policy and programs than about glitz and showbiz, image and WIFM. And yet, I felt that she was as exciting a candidate as Al Gore and Ross Perot. You get my point. NOT charismatic. But not floating in the air with platitudes. Or unintelligible like the first endorser of Donald Trump, the undeniable Sara Palen.
Many people might disagree a little with this, but the results of my research across 3 continents was consistent. Donald was 98% of the time spotted as an ACTION type. Hillary’s predominant BANK Code personality type was more muddled and mixed in people’s analysis. “What is she….?” they would often ponder.
People usually made a quick decision to chose ACTION as Donald Trump. (ACTIONs are quick decision makers). They would take a long time to decide on Hillary’s primary code.
SO, finally getting back to the article from EPOCH TIMES, here is what it says and why B.A.N.K. Code is such a powerful and reliable system to predict behavior.
“According to an adage….personnel is policy. In order for a president to deliver on specific policies, people who believe in those policies need to be appointed.” After discussing Trump’s lack of governmental experience and mostly being an outsider attacking the establishment, the article goes on to say “his grasp of policy details and ability to articulate what he wants to achieve has been a work in progress, leaving room for friends and critics to imagine different versions of what a Trump presidency might deliver.”
Precisely the point I made (or at least implied) in CODE BLUE IN THE WHITE HOUSE: What Successful Presidents Sell Voters to Win Elections.
Precisely what I said above about an ACTION.
In other words, what was Donald saying during the campaign? Besides “build a wall,” “make America great again” (#MAGA), and “I’ll create more jobs” (did he ever say jobs for Americans? We know that it is more jobs for his family members….), he mostly provided fodder for comedians.
Because Donald Trump lacked substantive details. That is why he made up stuff as he went along and denied details and facts even more than Hillary Clinton did. Because there were no details behind Donald Trump as an ACTION. No policies. No substance. Just a lot of negative blaming and name-calling and empty promises that have evaporated now more quickly than when he proclaimed them before.
B.A.N.K. Code and Individual Balance
All four personality BANK Code types are found in us all as individuals. The amounts of each vary, just as all pies may have similar basic ingredients but the variety and flavor can be radically different based on the proportions of what is used, how the crust is made, and how the filling is prepared.
The next big question is: how long can a Trump Presidency survive when Donald’s ADHD behavior leads him to become bored with the details of the real job? Then, his real goal of the presidency, to use it for personal gain, becomes overwhelmingly obvious to those who voted him in.
And how will this then effect the health of this country and the world as a whole? We will see. we will see. Continue reading →