Category Archives: Autoimmune

Is your brain Shrinking?

Is Your Brain Shrinking?

What You Need to Know by guest author
Ronald Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O., D.A.C.B.N., M.S.

[Editor’s Note: I have been teaching this for decades and it is one of the key factors I mention in all of my television appearances as a medical expert]

Many of you reading this short article already know that hemoglobin A1C is extremely useful revealing what the “average” blood sugar has been over the previous ninety days.

This is the same standard laboratory measurement used to measure blood sugar control in diabetics.

What many people may not be aware of is the fact that hemoglobin A1C has important implications for your brain health.

In a landmark study published in the journal Neurology, the researchers documented that elevated hemoglobin A1C is associated with changes in brain size.

The study showed researchers looking at MRIs to determine which lab test correlated best with brain atrophy and found that the hemoglobin A1C demonstrated the most powerful relationship.

They commented, “when comparing the degree of brain tissue loss in those individuals with the lowest hemoglobin A1C (4.4 to 5.2) to those having the highest hemoglobin A1C (5.9 to 9.0), the brain loss in those individuals with the highest hemoglobin A1C was almost doubled during a six-year period.

Is Your Brain Shrinking?

Hemoglobin A1C and Brain Atrophy
Hemoglobin A1C and Brain Atrophy
This profound study strongly indicates that hemoglobin A1C is far more than just a marker of blood sugar balance.

The good news is in most cases you have absolute control over your A1C.

An ideal hemoglobin A1C would be in the 4.8 to 5.4 range. Keep in mind that reducing carbohydrate ingestion, weight loss, and physical exercise will ultimately improve insulin sensitivity and lead to a reduction of hemoglobin A1C.

Dr. Jay Sordean has studied and practiced functional medicine for the last 3 decades. His lectures on the subject can be found on youtube. If you are interested in studying functional medicine, click on this link to FMU76. Compliments from Functional Medicine University
#Alzheimer’s #Dementia #SuperBrain-TheBook #OutsmartingDementia

Nutrition and Cognition

An increasing body of scientific and clinical evidence show that brain health needs personalized and multi-pronged interventions to optimize health outcomes. Nutrition and cognition (thinking) are linked. More and more researchers are offering links demonstrating how poor nutritional intake adversely affects cognitive functioning and may, in fact, contribute to various neurological conditions including anxiety, depression, autism and neurodegenerative disorders. Data are indicative that these links may begin before birth, continue throughout the life course and be particularly susceptible during times of inadequate or inappropriate nutritional intake, physiological changes or increased stress.

Many scientific sources confirm evidence of the gut-brain axis, its association to nutrition, and how it influences cognitive health throughout life—from birth into later years. These include:
-The links between stress, chronic inflammation, nutrition and cognitive health
-The critical role nutrition plays in gut and neurological health
-How to leverage specific nutritional solutions to optimize gut-brain outcomes for health conditions

What are the major causes of chronic disease that most doctors miss? Best ask a dentist. Dr. Lewis Gross, on the Functional Forum.#functio

Check out our website then call us at +1-510-849-1176
Looking for help after so many
 dead ends?  Try our Advanced
 Functional Medicine Approach
Check out our website then call us at +1-510-849-1176
Looking for help after so many
 dead ends?  Try our Advanced
 Functional Medicine Approach


What are the major causes of chronic disease that most doctors miss? Best ask a dentist. Dr. Lewis Gross, on the Functional Forum.
#functionalforum #goevomed

#TheRedwoodClinic #JaySordean For more information about functional medicine at The Redwood Clinic, go to

#TheRedwoodClinic #JaySordean For more information about functional medicine at The Redwood Clinic, go to

What steps can we take to help patients regain nueroplasticity? You might be surprise by the answer. Dr. Datis Kharrazian explains on the

What steps can we take to help patients regain nueroplasticity? You might be surprise by the answer. Dr. Datis Kharrazian explains on the Functional Forum.
#functionalforum #goevomed Datis Kharrazian, DHSc, DC, MS

Dr. Datis Kharrazian is one of Dr. Jay Sordean’s teachers of many years.

#TheRedwoodClinic #JaySordean For more information about functional medicine at The Redwood Clinic, go to

Foundational Nutrition Organic Food and Multipure Water

Foundational Nutrition Organic Food and Multipure Water

(NOTE: Thoughts induced by sitting in a workshop on Morphogenic Field Technique on Saturday March 17, 2018)

Our food and foundational nutrition is the basis for our health. We put things into our body and the body has to rely on that for nutrition. Organic is important in food selection as other foods are more laden with pesticides, herbicides, and genetic components from bacterial and viruses. The latter are found in the genetically modified organism’s (GMO) DNA. (Let’s talk more about this topic of Foundational Nutrition Organic Food and Multipure Water.)

East Bay Water - Cancer Causing Contaminants

Susan B. Koemen Donation Version of System

Funny that we have to classify foods as “organic” or not, because before the advent of artificial and synthetic pesticides and herbicides being used on agricultural lands and plants. Before the creation and use of those artificial and synthetic chemicals, ALL food was organic.
Genetically engineered wheat was first created in 1970. Prior to that there was organic wheat. Now, it is much harder to find non-engineered wheat.

The GMOs were designed to make pesticides and herbicides more effective. A primary one that the plant DNA has been modified for is ROUND-UP. And that agricultural poison has been around a long long time. It was becoming less effective and more was being used. Then the toxicity concentrations increased to the point that quick symptoms developed and regulatory standards were being violated. So the professional agricultural industry combined pesticide and herbicide chemistry with Genetic chemistry in the plant. But we are actually using 1500 times more Round-up now than was ever originally improved. FIFTEEN HUNDRED TIMES!

Where are the pesticides and herbicides? The goal is to have them applied just to the plant and the field. However, they are applied in an aerosolized form, and so they are floating in the air and get carried by weather to a very large area beyond the field.

Thus, we are all exposed to pesticides and herbicides, if for no other reason that we all occupy space and breathe air. Of course, we don’t want to introduce pesticides and herbicides in our body. They are not organic and they are not good for our body. Period. So, while we can’t avoid the chemicals in the air and soil we move over and through, we can try to avoid the pesticides and herbicides still on the plants (and in the animal products we eat that also ate plants).

Foundational Nutrition Organic Food and Multipure Water

So, the whole point of this is to remind each of us, you and me, that the basis of health and health care starts with foundational nutrition. Water is also a foundational nutrition. My purpose as a natural medicine doctor is to help you achieve optimal health and vitality. That is why I say “Eat as organically as you can afford.” And “Use a Multipure Filtration System to keep the toxins in tap water out of your body.”

Those two points are foundational medicine. Every medical practitioner and organization should be using these principles as the first thing they suggest to you for health care.

You can get your Multipure Filtration System through this office by ordering at or calling us at 510-849-1176. Multipure Independent Distributor ID#: 432075


Learn more about functional medicine on this website at
Follow my other blogs about Multipure and water at

Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Autism


Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Function in Autism


Reseach in autism clinics and scientific studies show that there are many underlying causes of autism.  These factors and the environment effect genes that may predispose an individual to manifesting symptoms and behaviors of autism.  When your mitochondria are not working right, the energy necessary for the brain to work right, this mitochondrial dysfunction will lead to underfunctioning and malfunctioning of the brain.  This is often overlooked in the typical doctor visit related to autism.  However, there are clear clinical proofs of the positive turn-around of children with autism when the mitochondrial dysfunction is addressed.

Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Function in Autism

Of course, there are other factors proven to be related to autism and how to mitigate and even reverse it. Besides mitochondrial Dysfunction and Autism, there are other things that must be looked at in a comprehensive approach. Such as the intestinal flora, mold overgrowth, damage due to repeated antibiotic use, deficiencies in various vitamins and minerals, food allergies, fight or flight system overactivity, brain-gut inflammation factors, environmental toxins, and structural issues such as meningeal compression.

At The Redwood Clinic we look at all these factors (including mitochondrial Dysfunction and Autism) in a comprehensive fashion when helping our patients with brain-related dysfunction and related behaviors.

Call us for an appointment at 510-849-1176

Hyperactivity & Attention Deficit Disorder: Do We Have Options?

East Bay Water – Cancer Causing Contaminants

East Bay Water – Cancer Causing Contaminants

East Bay Water has impurities triggering cancer cells at greater degrees compared to normal. Currently this is not anything brand-new truly.

East Bay Water has actually had cancer cells triggering pollutants in it for years. Multipure purification systems are separately checked as well as confirmed to get rid of 99.9% of a lengthy checklist of toxic substances. No various other system in its course could properly declare this.

Take the time currently to go online and also get your system. Call us at 510-849-1176 to ask any type of inquiries you might have concerning the system you might require.

East Bay Water has impurities triggering cancer cells at greater degrees compared to normal. East Bay Water has actually had pollutants creating cancer cells and neoplasia in it for years. Multipure purification systems are separately examined and also verified to eliminate 99.9% of a lengthy listing of toxic substances. Take the time currently to go online and also get your system. Call us at 510-849-1176 to ask any type of concerns you might have concerning the system you could require.

Multipure Independent Distributor ID# 432075 The Redwood Clinic

Unpaid Demands of Insurance Carriers

Unpaid Demands of Insurance Carriers

As someone who might have some insurance coverage that claims to “cover” acupuncture services, you might think that your provider is being reasonably compensated. In all but a minority of situations, “in-network” providers are paid very poorly. They are not paid for their expertise, for the time it takes to do a thorough diagnosis or evaluation, nor for the time they spend doing the treatment, for all the insurance verification and billing, for the accounting required, for their overhead, let alone anything left over for take-home.

Seriously, insurance plans and the third party administrators are making huge profits while providers are expected to go bankrupt for the sake of their patients and the insurance plans.

For example, start out with the contracts and policy manuals that the carriers and third party administrators expect providers to read, understand, and follow. Are they paid to review these? No. Are they paid to take the time to understand them? No. All of that is on their free time. No providers in the acupuncture world are on salary if they have to know all of this. And the number of acupuncturists on salary? Infinitesmaly few.

Unpaid Demands of Insurance Carriers

Here is a 4 page document listing only a small number of plans. This mailer is required reading for by providers.  It is just a drop in the bucket of the papers and documents that are supposed to be read by providers and their staff.

Please take the time to read it and understand it. How much time did it take you? How much should you be paid to have to do that? Please let me know.  Because providers get zip for doing so. And if they have staff, they have to pay them to take the time to read it.  Who pays for it?  Not the insurance company.

On the other hand, how much were the writers of this paid to create it? Mucho dinero. Believe me. It is the administrators, the JACO inspectors, the policy wonks, the CEOs who are making millions off of this. But the providers you rely on for help? NOTHING.

And the administrators will blame it all on regulations. Regulations that they created to obfuscate and then blame providers for not following.

Unpaid Demands of Insurance Carriers

And I bet that your insurance premiums are going up astronomically. My personal Kaiser policy is going up 21% this coming year. Is there any corresponding increase in fees paid for treatments done? Ha Ha Ha. The jokes on you if you think that independent providers get an extra cent from the increase.

No, the joke’s on the providers who accept the plan payments. Like The Redwood Clinic. SUCKERS!!!

Is there any increase for even increases in costs? Rather, the fees continue to be cut with more and more demands to do more for free.

Unpaid Demands of Insurance Carriers

Insurance carriers and third party administrators are laughing all the way to the bank. And providers are dropping like flies. That is why there are so few providers accepting insurance. MDs, unless they are part of a medical group associated with a hospital/insurance plan complex.

The truth is, those providers lucky enough to get a job with such a medical group/hospital complex are a rarity in the alternative medicine field. The jobs are rare, and the insiders are all referring their friends to get the insider-employee referral fees. There is no hiring based on experience, it is just new-age nepotism. Speaking from experience. Age discrimination is rampant in this system apparently as well. The MDs I spoke to 2 – 3 years ago were all retiring because the system was starving them out of business. Years of clinical experience are a noose on a resume.

Unpaid Demands of Insurance Carriers

How many plans are there? Unknown, but here is a single sheet of paper distributed that is supposed to be memorized by providers. Hilarious if it weren’t so obviously clear proof that the system is broken.

One online insurance billing and verification system list 7370 insurance payors. Seven Thousand Three Hundred Seventy. What if you personally had to know which to chose to get YOUR salary from? Crazy. No, insane. But that is the system. This list is just the first 50.

The fact is that suggesting any of the above, no matter how based in fact, puts a mark on my chest, a target on my back. Was this the reason I was taken off a Kaiser referral list, in spite of the fact that I was being paid 30% – 100% less than other contracted providers? This was sex discrimmination. And would Kaiser and any of the six executives there answer any questions I sent by certified mail about the reasons for the termination? No way.

Which is sad to me because I have provided excellent service to patients there for years. Numerous patients were very upset that they couldn’t get continued care with me and Kaiser refused to explain to me or them the reasons. They wrote letters on my behalf and Kaiser officials and employees refused to provide any response.

I have also been a member of Kaiser myself for years. Paying huge premiums that have paid for the salaries of executives and middle managers in the Outside Referrals Deparment. What do you think? Should I change to another plan during this time to change Covered California Plans?  Why did the following executives of Kaiser NEVER bother to respond to my letters? Pragya Wagle, Nicole Lipes, John Loftus MD, Deborah Gould MD, Lawrence Hamilton, Anita Zuniga RN, Millicent Brown Hunter RN.

“PEOPLE ABOVE PROFITS” is supposed to be the motto of Kaiser Permanente.  The actions of the leadership are wholly inconsistent with this philosophy in the way they have disregarded a very loyal consultant of 20 years.

 Tags: Pragya Wagle, Nicole Lipes, John Loftus MD, Deborah Gould MD, Lawrence Hamilton, Anita Zuniga RN, Millicent Brown Hunter RN.

Save Your Life: Get Your Multipure System Here

Save Your Life: Get Your Multipure System Here

Save Your Life: Get Your Multipure System Here

San Francisco schools found to have lead in water.
Oakland schools found to have lead in water.
Lead kills brain cells.
Don’t take a chance with your BRAIN. Filter your water

Save Your BRAIN and the BRAINS of your Children and Loved Ones: Get Your Multipure System Here



Lead contamination in water at seven Oakland schools, district officials admit poor communication


Safe Water Filtration

Water is essential for life. Safe water is essential to promote health. Contaminated water can damage health in so many ways. Thus, it is important to make sure that the water you drink is not contaminated. Safe water filtration is the key. No matter where you live. And now more than ever.

I know, you are saying that you have a water filter. I applaud you for making that decision. But is your water filter actually filtering out everything it should, or is the filtering just cosmetic? Quite likely it is failing, because most do not pass muster with NSF standards. In fact, Multipure is the only one that passes for a combination of more than 8 problem ingredients put together. And your water might have all 8 (or more) at once.

Do you live in a place that ever has major national disasters? Hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes? A safe water source is vital for emergencies. We even have those at multipure (  Multipure Independent Distributor ID: 432075

Winter is the WATER ELEMENT season in Chinese Medicine. So let’s look more in-depth into how to get your water really clean to promote excellent health.

Safe Water Treatment

Susan B. Koemen Donation Version of System

As you know, The Redwood Clinic has promoted the sale and use of Multipure filtration systems for more than 25 years. Because we believe they are doing what all filtration systems should do, and they are backed up by independent laboratory testing of contamination removal.

If you are a quick decision maker, just go to our online store and order your system now.


Are you a Safe Water Filtration GEEK? Here are the DETAILS!!

Multipure Drinking Water Systems utilize Multipure’s innovative and proprietary Solid Carbon Block-based filter. This filter employs multiple components and materials to reduce the presence of a wide variety of contaminants in water.

Mechanical Filtration: The water passes through a pre-filter that traps dirt, sand, and particles that affect the taste and overall appearance of the water. After passing through the pre-filter, the water then passes through the Solid Carbon Block, where particles as small as 0.5 microns are physically trapped by the filter. Asbestos, cysts, and particulates are reduced through mechanical filtration at the sub-micron level.

Electrokinetic Adsorption: The pre-filter acquires a positive molecular charge as water passes through it. Since most contaminants exhibit a negative charge in water, the filter fibers electrokinetically attract these negatively-charged particles onto the positively-charged filter surface. Generally, these particles are too small to be trapped by mechanical filtration.

Physiochemical Adsorption: The carbon block filter is a blend of selected activated carbons and other media that reduce aesthetic contaminants and health-related contaminants by adsorbing particles to its surface. Because the carbon block is densely compacted, it provides a longer contact time with the water, and thus, better performance than many other filtration technologies.

Nationally recognized standards established for the drinking water treatment industry confirm that the most effective systems for the removal of both aesthetic and harmful contaminants are those that utilize Solid Carbon Block filters. Multipure is the original developer of Solid Carbon Block technology and has been the leader and innovator in the water treatment industry since 1970. Multipure, and its remarkable Solid Carbon Block filter, is synonymous with superior quality and exceptional innovation. With a Multipure Drinking Water System, you are guaranteed the best.

Multipure Independent Distributor ID: 432075

Adsorption vs. Absorption

Multipure filtration utilizes a process called adsorption. Adsorption differs from the more commonly known absorption; adsorption refers to the transfer of the particles of a gas, liquid, or dissolved solid onto a surface, while absorption refers to the incorporation of a solid, liquid or gas into another solid, liquid, or gas.

The Multipure filter uses adsorption to transfer contaminants onto the filter’s surface and remove it from the water stream. The water itself is temporarily absorbed by the filter material (much like a sponge absorbing water), but the contaminants are adsorbed to the filter surface, creating a layer on the surface as it is removed from the water stream.

Multipure Drinking Water Systems
The innovative Multipure design is certified, registered, and/or listed by:

•  NSF International
•  All states that regulate drinking water treatment devices
o  California Department of Health Services
o  Iowa Department of Public Health
o  State of Wisconsin – Bureau of Building Water Systems, Research & Products Review Unit


Maximize Your Brain Health and Avoid Dementia

Maximize Your Brain Health and Avoid Dementia

Brain Health is number one for health in general.  And brain health is vital for controlling and regulating all specifics of health.  After all, it is your brain that is reading this right now!

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

Alzheimer’s and Dementia: Alma Via of San Rafael Benefit Talk for Alzheimer’s Association Part 1 – Part 3

Alma Via of San Rafael and Shirley McElhatten sponsored a benefit talk for the Alzheimer’s Association on Wednesday August 30, 2017. They invited Dr. Jay to speak about how to Maximize your BRAIN HEALTH based on his clinical experience, two bestselling books, and more than 20 appearances on local TV in his mission to prevent a million cases of Alzheimer’s and dementia. The lively and engaged attendees, as well as the amazingly beautiful and delicious buffet by the chef of Alma Via, made for a very successful event. You can still make donations to the Alzheimer’s Association through Alma Via of San Rafael – donator’s received a copy of one (or both) of Dr. Jay’s books on the brain and dementia. and Information about Alma Via of San Rafael is found at and by contacting Shirley at 415.491.1900 ext. 602.
Dr. Jay can be reached at

Maximize Your Brain Health and Avoid Dementia

Maximize Your Brain Health and Avoid Dementia

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

Maximize Your Brain Health and Avoid Dementia

How your brain works in this respect is discussed also in Dr. Jay’s books related to helping you save your brain. They can be obtained here:

Maximize Your Brain Health

Acupuncture Expert in Portland Oregon

To order either of the bestselling books by Dr. Jay Sordean, go to:   and

For information about brain evaluation and treatments, and Dr. Jay’s “B.R.A.I.N. H.E.A.L.T.H. Program” go to

There are many resources Dr. Jay and The Redwood Clinic have to offer you for improving brain health and brain wealth.  These include the podcast interviews at where many of the interviews are related to brain health, how to avoid ending up in memory care communities, and the cost of brain degeneration to individuals and communities alike.