Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) – Natural Medicine Approaches
There is so much more than just pump, wires, and tubes related to your heart — emotions and connections with other people and the world is equally important in heart health.
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the number one cause of death in the world. The greatest unnecessary disease of our time, the World Health Organization estimates that ever second death globally is cardiovascular in men and women.
As Michael Gaeta states, “CVD is essentially a deficiency condition. In nearly every person it is an unnecessary, preventable and reversible lifestyle-based condition. Improvements in nutrition, physical activity and social/relational health are safer and more effective
than pharmaceutical interventions.” Thus, it is important to avoid the crisis intervention health care system that dominates American medicine.
If you have a desire to reduce the risk factors for CVD using a more natural medicine approach, call us at 510-849-1176 for a consultation.
Heart attacks kill 50% of the people who have them on the first time. Those who survive may have severe reduction in their capacity to exert and function after that. If someone is treated with the proper nutrient combinations after the onset of that low functioning, it is possible to turn around the condition, rebuild the heart function, and improve the activity level of the person who had the heart attack. There are examples of patients who have extreme exertional fatigue, are given only a few months to live. Diligent taking a combination of specific herbs, like hawthorne and garlic, among other important foods, resulted in a patient (with a 6 weeks left to live diagnosis) being out doing intense mountain biking 8 months later.
Your heart will show the condition of the whole body and the nutrition of your entire body systems. It will take the nutrients from the body before other organs and muscles and glands do. So the condition of the heart, when it is studied, will predict other aspects of bodily help. The future of your body. So get your heart checked out the right way and then take serious action.
Call us at 510-849-1176 for a consultation.