Calcium – Hair Mineral Analysis Element

Calcium – Hair Mineral Analysis and Body Functioning

Calcium is an important element and mineral test in the hair mineral analysis testing.  Calcium plays a significant role in your body and cells, often paired up with Magnesium.  It is stored in the bones and used everywhere, muscles, nerves, and cell membranes.  Doctors  look at the amounts of Calcium in your blood during the comprehensive blood testing.  This hair deposition of Calcium gives additional and significant information about your body that the blood Calcium levels do not.

Diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, cardiovascular illness, obesity, cognitive decline — are just a few of the many conditions, malfunctions, or diseases that do not develop symptoms often until they are progressed quite a long time and Calcium may play a key role.  Functioning has to drop to around 40% for symptoms to be obvious — up until a drop of function by 60% we know about dysfunction by things other than symptoms.   Hair Mineral Analysis focuses on particular minerals –macro, micro, trace and heavy metals found stored in your hair.  Understanding the relationships among the different minerals found can tell us a lot about how your body is functioning.  Not only your body, but your emotions and hormones.

After watching this, if you want to get a hair mineral analysis with explanation please contact The Redwood Clinic at +1-510-849-1176.

Hair mineral Analysis You tube videos
