Breast Cancer Caused by Estrogen Mimicers
Chemical Triggers Breast Cancer
by guest author, Ronald Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O., D.A.C.B.N., M.S
A new study reveals that chemicals found in cleaning materials, textiles, plastics, paper and some personal-care products can trigger breast cancer.
According to the senior author of the study, William Baldwin, an assistant professor of biological sciences at the University of Texas at El Paso, the chemical called 4-nonylphenol binds to estrogen receptors in breast tissue which increases the risk for breast cancer.
Part of the problem is that the chemical, which mimics estrogen, may last longer in the body than natural estrogen. That is when breast cancer is caused by estrogen mimicers.
Breast Cancer Estrogen Mimicers
How the Study was Conducted
Baldwin and his team compared the effects of giving differing doses of the chemical, 4-nonylphenol and estrogen to mice. When they followed mice genetically engineered to readily develop breast cancer over 32 weeks, many of those given 4-NP developed breast cancer while those given equivalent doses of estrogen did not.
Baldwin and other experts estimate that established risk factors such as aging, early onset of periods, late menopause, delayed childbearing and genetics explain only about 25 percent to 50 percent of breast cancers, and that environmental exposure plays a big role.
We can now test for this environmental toxin through a test called Toxic Element Core from Genova Diagnostics.
The good news is you can modify and reduce this toxic chemical. I recommend consulting us as we are experts in functional medicine. We have the training and knowledge to help one reduce this environmental toxin.
Here’s the bottom line. Many chemicals in the environment are harmful for your body. Many of them look like hormones that perform important jobs in your body, and when they enter the body they go to the place in the body that they can match up to. This matching up is like the effects of a hormone on the organ. However, often that chemical stays matched up longer than the normal hormone might. Thus, there is too much hormone effect caused and thus cell proliferation can occur.
Cancer is cell proliferation that has gone out of control.
If you think that this might be going on for you, this is a great time to call us at 510-849-1176 to investigate further.
This article is compliments of the Functional Medicine University. If you are interested in a course in Functional Medicine, please use the following link to inquire about FMU’s program. I want information about FMUs program.
An additional post in this blog is here.
Dr. Jay also produced a series of videos talking about estrogen metabolism. The first video is here.