Acupuncture and Sedona Method – Great Combination
At The Redwood Clinic we combine the best of natural medicine approaches to create a synergistic effect. This enables faster and deeper results for patients. This also addresses the physical, emotional, and spiritual levels of a person’s health concerns.
Acupuncture and Chinese medicine are a multifaceted system including energy work, massage, exercise, diet, stress-reduction, herbal formulas and even martial arts. As comprehensive as
this may be, there are still other approaches to healing and health that work very well with acupuncture and Chinese medicine.
Thus, we like to combine the best of all worlds when possible. Of course, if you are coming in with an insurance plan, that plan has restrictions on what it will pay for and not pay for. Usually that is very limited. So to really get the full benefit of our years of clinical experience you may have out of pocket expenses. But believe me, that is worth it.
Your car insurance won’t pay for a tune-up — only crashes. But you don’t refuse to get the tune-ups just because your insurance won’t pay for it. The same thing should apply to your health.
When people are resting during an acupuncture session we often encourage them to listen to a guided imagery process to work on different aspects of their body’s healing powers. And to reduce stress responses. One of the many processes we offer selectively to patients, based on their individual needs and circumstances, might be the Sedona Method.
Please watch and listen to another recent positive experience using this unique integrative approach only found at The Redwood Clinic.